cuarenta y cuatro

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WOWOWOWOWO lemme just say thank you so much for 16K reads this is AMAZING! I literally never thought anyone would ever read this and this makes me so happy omg love u


1. An American Dream by Love and Rockets

Emme Wilson

I started the morning off making the chocolate cake, which surprisingly took me half of the morning to bake and ice. The cake was the easy part but the icing was truly difficult. I decided that tonight we would have a grill and I had Darry buy us some patties and buns when he got home from work.

I realized I kinda had to make this cake huge since everyone was going to be there and chances are there will be seconds.

The gang showed up one by one. Johnny came over first and him and pony hung out for a bit. Then Soda came home with Steve from work. Two-bit showed up, and then Dallas showed up a minute before the burgers were ready.

I showed everyone where everything was, we had all the condiments out and I let the gang make their food. Pony came up to me and pecked my lips, "Thanks doll."

"Yes, thank you, Emme!" I heard Two-bit yell from the living room. Everyone followed and said thank you.

Once everyone made their plate, I made my own and sat in between Dallas and Pony as we watched Mikey on the screen. Johnny and Two-bit sat on the floor, laughing their asses off anytime there was something slightly funny.

We sat their for a while watching the show and when everyone was about done we decided the cake would be next.

As we walked towards the kitchen to cut the cake, Two-bit makes an interesting point.

"Ya know, it's kinda weird how we haven't had many problems with the socs lately."

"Well let's hope it stays that way," Darry snapped back at him.

It was true, we haven't had a rumble in a while and no serious issues but I mean we always have our ups and downs here and there.

I cut everyone a slice of cake and handed them their piece. We decided to just eat it right there in the kitchen. Everyone had two slices besides two-bit who had 4. I will never understand how these boys eat so much so quickly and keep their figure.

We sat our plates down and we all just kinda looked at each other until Two-Bit had an idea and let me tell you, it was stupid but genius.

"Hey, I have an idea, let's go play football at the lot?" Two-bit said as we all ran out the front door.

We ran towards the lot and we decided that Darry and I would be team captains.

Darry picked of course Pony, Steve, and Dallas.

I picked Two-bit, Soda, and Johnny.

Darry didn't want Pony and me on a team because we would apparently ruin the game. I decided I would be the QB and as I said hike, Johnny threw the ball to me and I immediately tried to look for Soda. I saw him near Dal and I threw the ball as hard as I could until I got the wind knocked out of me.

My head leaned back and slammed onto the dirt behind me. I closed my eyes but once I open them I see a cheeky Ponyboy. I pushed him off of me and rolled my eyes.

"What?" He said acting as if nothing happened.

Oh it was on


We were a couple of touchdowns in when we switched to offense again. I was staring straight at Pony and I wanted to wreck him. As soon as I heard a hike, I counted my alligators and then ran towards Pony. He tried to juke me out but after what happened last time I decided I knew his tactics. He went left and I knew he would cut back right so I tried to fake him out and I got him on the ground.

"Sucks to suck." I looked down at him smirking. He rolled his eyes and then immediately switched me over. This time he was on top, pinning me down.

"I think I'm gonna be sick.." I could her Dally groan.

"Come on Pone, not in front of the children.." I say as I push him off of me and giggle.

We ended playing for a couple more minutes until we all got tired. Everyone walked home but the Curtis brothers and I headed to our rooms and passed out so quickly.

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