trienta y dos

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1. Monsoon by Hippo Campus

Emme Wilson

I sniffled a little bit. I got off from the floor and leaned against the door. I applied pressure to the door and hearing it creak caused me to back away from it. I was sensitive, I didn't want to be sensitive, that's not the type of person I am.  I know I can cry but come on, that's normal.

"Em? Are you okay?" I could hear Pony's concerning voice but I couldn't muster the words out of my mouth. I let out a quick sigh and slid back down against the door. I could hear Pony's breathing, everything was so quiet.

I got off from the floor again and just stared at the door knob.

I opened the door slowly, hearing the creaking of the knob gave me shivers. I could feel like a wretch. My hair was probably messy and maybe even snot coming out of my nose.

I could see Pony give me a sly smile and he grabbed me into his arms. He hugged me for a while and it was the warmest embrace I've had in a while


We were home by around 8pm, we ending up having a party at the dingo. Not a literal party but it was a vibe.

It was summer but it really didn't feel like summer. Pony and I headed to our rooms and just lied down. Today was emotionally and physically exhausting.

I let out a quiet sigh and Pony's head twitched over to look at me. I could feel him looking at me and I just continued to look at the ceiling. It was weird. I wasn't sad, mad, or happy. I was just me, but something felt wrong. I turned over and looked at Pony and he gave me smile. I gave him a quick wink and then I got up. I could hear him groan.

I walked towards the dresser we shared and tried to find some pj clothes. Pony walked over and saw one of my bras hanging in the corner.

"How come I never saw this?!" He said snatching it from the hanger.

I look over and groan. "Give it back Pone..." he kept playing around with it like a little kid. He wrapped it around his body and said, "look I'm Emme!" I walked over to him and snatched it from his hands.

This boy causes me trouble.


I woke up the next morning feeling alright, the feeling decided to roll into the next day. I roll over and see Ponyboy sleeping peacefully.

Gabe decided to invite Pony, Johnny, and I to church. I haven't been to church in a while, but the last time I went was with my parents and my brother. I don't know why we stopped going but it was nice to know that Gabe invited us and wanted us to go.

I didn't have nice clothes to wear to church though, I was struggling to find something. I wanted to look nice and conservative.

I started to browse through my closet and all I could find were jeans with holes in them or shirts with stains. I decided to dig deeper and I found this small floral dress. I have no idea if I could fit into this though.

I headed to the shower and hung the dress on the hanger. I did a quick rinse and freshened up. I decided to let my hair down, it looked pretty straight and clean. I put on the dress and it was a little snug on the top, since the last time I wore this I had no boobs.

I walked away from the bathroom and bumped right into Soda.

"Morning Em! Wow is that the dress from middle school!?" He looked me up and down and realized something wasn't right.

"It fits you better now..." I could tell he was uncomfortable and he started to chuckle. I slapped his arm and walked back into Pony's and I room. I walked in and he was passed out still. I could hear him start snoring. It was pretty cute. I walked over to him and gave him a nudge.


I shook him a bit and he got up quickly.

"IM UP."

"Come on Pony, we have to get ready for church."

"Ugh I don't really wanna go Em, can we just tell Gabe that we are sick." Pony exclaimed.

"No, now go get ready. Wear your slacks and a button up!" I said grabbing his arm and pushing him into the bathroom.

" I can pick your outfit if you want but hurry up and get ready!" I yelled at Pony.


We decided to walk to the church, it wasn't that far and it wasn't too hot outside, it was a fair day. Everyone looked really nice. Gabe and pony dressed similar while Johnny was wearing the cutest bow tie.

When we arrived there wasn't that many people. Apparently Gabe's family owns the church so it's just family friends but it was nice nonetheless. We sat down and the pastor got on with his sermon.

It was nice and short. Not much happened but it was really nice to be here and see what Gabe does. Everyone was enthusiastic , it was quite beautiful. It had been a while since I've been to church but the feeling gave me a rush of emotions and memories of my family.


After church we had decided to go get some brunch at this new diner in town, Vineyard. They mainly had waffles and pancakes but that was the mood we were in.

We were seated fairly quickly and the inside was beautiful. There were actual vineyards inside the restaurant, with tiny little grapes growing. Our waiter offered us some glasses of wine and we all looked at each other and laughed.

"We are underage sir." Johnny exclaimed.

"Oh I'm so sorry, you all look so old!" He smiled as he walked away.

We all looked at each other and started to chuckle. As waiter handed us our menus, I knew that deciding was going to be difficult.

I didn't know if I wanted the blueberry pancakes or chocolate chip waffles. I was sitting next to pony I looked over to him and asked him which one I should get.

"Definitely The blueberry pancakes, but you better share with me." He smiled, I rolled my eyes and decided to get that.

Everyone else was getting waffles or French toast.

When the food came out, the pancakes were huge. I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to be able to finish them.


I could not finish the pancakes. I was only halfway through the pancakes and ate half my eggs. Gabe, Johnny, pony we're all finished. Men.

"HowAre you guys done! This is unbelievable."

They all grinned at each other, " well hey, I think we found a new diner." Gabe smiled.

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