trienta y seis

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1. Dust in the Wind by Kansas

Emme Wilson

Ah, senior year. The ending of the four years. The struggle and pain are finally over. Plus now I'm starting this year with my best friend beside me and my man. Pony and I decided to take things slow and I can't be more excited about this.  I think our last problem was taking things too fast or just speeding up the whole process, and then my interference with that stupid boy really messed things up.

When I think about everything Pone and I have been together it makes me so happy, it makes me feel genuine.

I don't realize how much that boy makes me happy.

Anyways I got ready for school and I ended up just wearing some baggy jeans and a tank top which is a bit revealing but I didn't care today. I walked out into the hall and I saw pony in the bathroom putting some gel into his hair and swishing it over to the side. I smile and walk towards the kitchen until I heard a creak from the bathroom door. 

I turn around and I was greeted by a soft pair of lips. I had my eyes open because it happened so quickly. Pony seemed so joyful today, which I absolutely loved but also he seemed like he had something in store for me.

"Move over love birds I gotta get to work." Soda said pushing pony away from me. I giggled a little bit and slapped Soda's shoulder.

"Come on Soda!" Pony groaned as he went back to the bathroom.

I walked into the kitchen and greeted Darry, Nancy was sitting at the table squeezing some oranges for orange juice. They genuinely looked happy together which made me happy for Dar. He's constantly worrying about everyone that he doesn't have the time to worry about his self.

"Good morning," I said with a perky smile.

"Well good morning to you too," Darry said with a smile. "Do you want Nancy and I to take you guys to school or?" 

I looked at Darry for a second and he seemed like he had plans with Nancy. I looked over to Pony strutting into the hall and he just gave me this look that said, 'We are walking'.

"I think we are good Darry, we are just gonna walk with Johnny and Gabe." Pony said before I could reply.

He walked right passed me and grabbed my hand and opened the front door for me.

I was taken back by it I wasn't even able to say by to them.


We came outside and Pony locked the door behind me.

"So where are Johnny and Gabe?" I asked him as we started to make our way to school.

Feeling the breeze on my face was so relaxing and welcoming, especially knowing that I had Pone by my side.

"They aren't going to walk with us..." He said with a hint of joy. I turned around to look at him and he just had a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked immensely confused.

"Well, I just wanted to walk with my girl today and show her how much I appreciate her."

Damn, he's making fall hard, again.

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes.

"Pony, you were always such a flirt and had a way with words." I walked in front of him.

"Hey hey slow down baby!"


We arrived at school, linking our hands together and he gave my hand a quick peck. It felt reassuring. He gave my hand a quick squeeze and then slowly let go of it. I looked down and I was slightly confused as to why he let go of my hand. He usually holds it all the time and never wants to let go of it.

I decided to let that go and we went to go pick up our schedules. He and I had a free period at the end of the day so we were able to go home early. He had math the same period that I did but everything was scrambled up.

We met up with Gabe and Johnny.

We quickly exchanged glances and looked at each other's schedules. I had the majority of my classes with Gabe which was nice.

We had a short small talk but it wasn't until the halls started to fill more with students and I could tell we were being stared at. I looked around and everyone was specifically looking at Pony and me as if it was bad news that we were seen together. I kinda just ignored it but it was seriously bothering me.

Gabe and I both had English first period so as soon as the bell rang, we walked together to class.

"Hey was it just me or did I feel like everyone was staring at me?" I asked Gabe as we took a seat in the middle of the class.

"Oh my gosh Em all you think is about yourself!" he said chuckling, I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

I gave him this glare and then he took me seriously.

"Girl, they weren't looking at you, they were looking at Pony," Gabe exclaimed as more students walked in.

"Why would they be staring at Pone?" I asked.

"Have you really not notice?" He exaggerated.

"NOTICE WHAT?!" I was not really having a good day and I just wanted Gabe to be forward with me.

"Emme, calm down. People are starting to stare." He said as he coughed to cover something.

"Pony glew up." 

I didn't really have the time to process it, but I mean he was right. His muscles were slightly bigger and he grew about an inch. Maybe because I'm living with him I don't even realize it.

"I mean he's eye candy Em." Gabe said with this longing in his voice. I looked over to him and gave his arm a quick slap.

"Hey hey, he's all yours just watch out for other rats."

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