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So real quick, I haven't been here in a century and omg so many reads! I honestly never believed I'd ever come this far. <3 Ill try to figure out a schedule and update more!!! I don't know if you guys are liking the story but I'd love to hear feedback so comment or directly message me please!


1. Repeat until death by Novo Amor

Emme Wilson

I walked into the principals office and heard a slam behind me, the door.

"Emme Wilson, I know you. What's going on?" Principal Brooks asked me.

"I'm sorry ma'am, things have been hectic and Jason was ruffing up Ponyboy and I just felt like I needed to help." I replied.

"Well Em please be more safe, that boy is trouble, trust me. I'm going to let you off with a warning but please just let Pony handle it or talk to me and I'll try to resolve it."

With that I walked out and Pony, Johnny, and someone else was waiting for me.

"Johnny!" I ran to him and hugged him, "I've missed you man! How are you?"

"I'm good Em thanks."

I look next to Johnny, "Who's this looker?" I said winking at the boy with eyes from the ocean.

Pony cleared his throat, "This is Gabe. He's new this year."

"Well nice to meet you, name's Emme but my friends call me Em."


We all walked to class, we all had calculus together. The soc was in the class with us, we all sat in the back of the room.

It went like this for the rest of the school year, prom was coming around the corner , I was getting closer with Dally, and Pone and I weren't the same anymore.

I was walking home one day from school with Gabe, "Have I ever complimented your eyes?" I said laughing.

"Uh no I dont think you have." He said chuckling.

"well they remind me of the ocean, the beaches." I said smiling.

"Have I ever complimented your smile?" Gabe took a second to say that.

"Uh no you haven't, but you can, people always do." I said winking,

"Well to me your smile is beautiful, they make everyone feel warm." He said.

"Wow Gabe, that's super sweet of you, maybe James will finally see that about you." I say nudging his shoulder.

Let's say Gabe is playing for the other team. It's a long story on how I figured out.

2 months ago

I had started to get really close to Gabe and Johnny, Pone was helping out Soda at the gas station and I hadn't really seen him besides school.

Gabe would constantly be complimenting me and my smile. Sometimes I'd hangout with just Gabe and no one else, I could tell this made Pone angry and jealous. I felt as I needed someone or something to make sure that I have something to hold on, because at this period of time I thought I had nothing. Johnny decided we'd go to the drive in one night. Pony didn't tag along because Darry needed him for something.

We were all sitting down in our chairs when I got up to go get drinks. Gabe offered if I needed help. I of course said yes, who couldn't say yes to those eyes. He walked with me to the concession stand and we got our drinks and popcorn. We walked back and he pulled me aside. "Gabe, what are you doing, this is the good part of the Gone With The Wind." I look down and I see his hand is interlocked with mine. I look up and he put his finger up to his lips. I was amazed by this boy. He had been real sweet to me. I start to lean towards him and he immediately grabs my shoulders and stops me.

"im sorry I thought you pushed me aside for a reason." I said, with heat flowing to my cheeks.

"I did, but not this reason. You see that guy over there?" He said pointing.

"Yeah James Pickwell?" I ask.

"Well I fancy him..." he said. I look over to him with my jaw dropped, "O H My god and I almost kissed you! You and James would be so cute! Im so happy for you." The awkwardness was quickly removed from us and we were like two peas in a pod, just like how me and pone used to be...

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