cuarenta y cinco

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The boys in this gif oml


1.  We are Young by fun.

Emme Wilson

I woke up next to an empty bed. Pony was god nowhere. I looked at the clock and it struck 9:47 am. I rolled over and tried to look for my glasses. I am so tired but last night was fun, especially when we played football in the lot.

I got up from the bed and did a quick stretch and as I walked out the front door of our room, I was bombarded with hugs and screams.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMME!!!" Everyone yelled. I was completely taken back by this. I slowly struck a great grin at them and they all started to clap and sing happy birthday.

Trust me I didn't forget my birthday but I did tell them that something small was totally fine.

Dally, Soda, and Steve all handed me everyone's gift, and let me tell you there was a lot.

"So how do you feel being 18 doll?" Dal looked over at me as he swung his arm over my shoulder.

"Well, surprisingly really good, I didn't expect much but it feels good." I smiled at him and he squeezed my arm.

"Well, Pony thought it would be a good idea to surprise you sooo.." Soda say moving away from the kitchen as Pony comes in holding a cupcake with 18 candles placed on them. They were all so close to each other it was really like a little firepit. 

They started to sing happy birthday and as it came to an end, I blew out the candles. Pony removed the candles and handed them to me.

"Happy Birthday Doll." He smiled, pecking me on the cheek.

I smiled and took a bite out of the cupcake, chocolate, amazing.

"Now," I heard a whisper, and then I turned around and my face was destroyed.

I couldn't see for a couple of seconds until I dropped my cupcake and reached for my eyes. I smeared away the frosting and licked my fingers.

Dally and Johnny were thinking they were so funny to throw a cake at me.

I turn around and Darry has a camera just saying 'cheese'. I guess this is the only downside of having an all boy friend group, emphasizing on the BOY.

"Well well well, that was lovely, and all I have to give you guys a hug!" I say as I walk towards the halls and corner them.

Johnny looked terrified.

"Ya know what Em I think that's unnecessary, I think I'm a little sick," Dal says as he steps backward. I gave him the fattest smirk and watched as he fell onto his knees.

"Come on Doll, you wouldn't hurt this pretty face." By now the rest of the gang was looking at us and Johnny was able to sneak away.

"Oh of course not!" I say as I wipe my face and immediately throw it at his leather jacket.

"Not the jacket." He groans. I then pull him up and rest my face on his chest. 

"Love you Dal."


It was the evening, Pony ordered me and him a heart-shaped pizza and the gang a pizza as well. We were sitting around waiting for it and then we heard a knock. Pony got up from the couch where we were sitting and picked up two pizza boxes, one completely empty and the other destroyed.  

"What happened baby?" I asked him giggling after Two-Bit told me a joke. He just showed me the pizzaless box.

"Where's the delivery guy?" Darry asked. We walked outside and only saw a blue mustang.

I rolled my eyes, are you kidding me Randy.

I walked out pushing Darry aside, "Em wait." Darry said.

"What do you want Randy?!" I yelled across the street.

"Just you pretty doll!" He said laughing after his friends applauded him. They were drunk or seriously stupid.

Soda and Pony walked out after he heard them say that.

"This is our side, why don't you go on and leave, go back where you trash live!" Soda yelled, throwing an empty can from the sidewalk.

Randy didn't like that. He stopped laughing and dropped his bottle on the floor.

As he walked closer to us, I looked over at Pony, "How does he even know we live here??"

"Now how about you say that to my face, greaser," Randy says as he stopped on the sidewalk.

I had just about enough of it and when I tell you I heard a crack, I meant it. I walked towards Randy and clocked him right on his jaw. He was drunk so his reaction time was slow.

"Ah shit," I heard Dal mutter. I went for my hand. After doing that I knew I would need a brace of some sort.

He spits out some blood and looked back at me. 

"Oh that's real nice grease."

With that, a rumble began.


Randy had walked away after I threw that punch but his boys came charging at us. We walked away from the house and towards the lot. When we arrived there were more socs than us. That was worry some.

No one wanted to intiate anything but after I threw that punch at Randy, I had nothing to lose. I immediately found an empty bottle and threw it at a socs head.

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