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1. Georgia by Vance Joy

2. we fell in love in October by girl in red

Emme Wilson

Feeling his hot breath on my neck tickled. I missed this feeling, this feeling of actually being loved. His hands rested right above my waist and my arms were wrapped around him. I could feel the wet stain growing on his shoulder, I think he rented the tux, and now it was ruined.

I tried to wipe away the tears, "I'm sorry Pony, I know how much this costed and how you saved up for it."

He looked down and pulled me closer, kissing my head. "Eh fuck it..." I looked up, "PONY!"

He looked down again, "what?"

"You swore!" I said trying to act shocked.

"Oh come on Em, you've heard me swore." He said brushing it aside.

I have heard him swore, its kinda hot..

The song continued to play and I could tell it was about to be over. I had a decision to make.

"thank you Pone for dancing with me, but I want you to enjoy prom so please go back inside for me." I said pushing away from him. He looked sad and nodded his head. I gave him a quick smile and turned around.

Before I could make a complete turn he grabbed my wrist, "Em, come on you think I'd actually leave you and go back to prom. You are silly." He pulled me in and gave me a hug that let me feel safe.

We heard some clacking against the sidewalk. I pull away from the hug and I see Dally walking over to us. I wanted to leave and never see Dally again.

"Ponyboy can we leave now please." I begged him.

"Why?" He turned around and saw the reason.

"You little shit!" Dallas came charging at me.

Ponyboy stood in front of me. "Oh, what you have him wrapped around your finger now huh? You just completely forget about me for this loser? Fine, be that way but dont come crying at me." He looked at me and then back to Pony and spat in his face. If you could see Ponyboy's face you would say he was a ticking time bomb.

Ponyboy Curtis

I exhaled, that was nice. I looked down and then quickly put all my weight into my right hand and hit Dallas across his face.

"Oh my god.." I could hear Em in the background.

Dallas took a step back, which quickly landed him on the ground, he was so tipsy. I went down on the ground and grabbed him and pushed him back down. I tried to have all my weight on him because he was almost twice my size. I punched him on the left and then the right. I grabbed him head and pushed it against the ground.

"Ponyboy stop! You are gonna kill him!" Em yelled behind me.

What the hell came over me, I couldn't stop knowing what he did to Emme.

I grabbed his face and just let go. I got up and quickly kicked him on his side. Dal held onto his side and groaned.

Em grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. I hug her and then look at my hands behind her. Blood stained, bruised, and cut. This isn't me, whats happening?

"Oh Pone you are getting it."

I was pulled off of Emme and quickly pushed onto the lawn next to the school. Dallas was on top of me and now he was in charge. He quickly pinned me down and threw several punches. I was getting the wind knocked out of me every punch.

"Stop Dallas please! Please for the love of god stop!" Em was crying hard, I could hear the weakness in her voice.

"No, he deserves this, he needs to be taught a less-" Dallas didn't get to finish his sentence because someone tackled him. I cough a bit of blood onto myself and look over. Emme was in her prom dress on top of Dallas, pinning him down. Blood was stained on the edges of her dress.

"This is all your fault! Don't ever try to make it up to me because you won't. You Dallas Winston are a disappointment. I never want to see your face anywhere. You are dead to me!" She yelled into his face. She quickly pounded on his chest and kept doing so until her hands got bloody and I had to push her off. She moved way and started crying again.

"This isn't me, what's happening!?" She started to have a panic attack. I grabbed her hands and pulled her into my lap.

"It'll be okay Em."

Sodapop Curtis

I was working a late shift and when I got home I quickly took off my shoes and wanted to sleep. I walked into my room and it was a little hard to open. I pushed it a little harder and saw a pair of heels blocking the door. I walk in and almost trip on some black slacks. I look up and saw my kid brother covered in blood and Em in her blood stained prom dress sleeping on the bed.

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