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sound track

1. candy paint by Post Malone

2. I fall apart by Post Malone

Emme Wilson

I only had now two more days of this hell. They really made these days quicker and shorter. I've been doing community service and actually continuing my school into my junior year. I've bee able to maintained my straight As and good test scores. Ponyboy hasn't visited me since what happened last. I'm not upset.

I've strangely been getting really close to Dallas. I don't know why I am and what's happening but I gotta say, I like it.

It makes me feels this new rebellious way and it excites me. Dally told me as soon as I get out he'd pick me up and we go to the Dingo. I'm happy. My dad hasn't really visited me and I'm starting to worry. None of the Curtis boys have either. I feel as everyone has lost me.

I fell asleep that night knowing that I'd only have to be going through this for 24 more hours.


I woke up the next day, about 16 hours left. It was super early in the morning, is started my duties that I generally do while I'm here. I'm one of the main cooks they have in the kitchen so I started to make the breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the other inmates. This one inmate called Smiles, she's always smiling at me so we gave her that nickname. She comes up to me with her tray and I Pour her some food.

"Last day?" She asked me.

"Yeah how did you know?"

She smirked and chuckled a bit, "It's basically radiating off of you."

I smiled and continued to pour more food and continued throughout the day until it cam night.


Morning, I'm leaving and Dally is already coming for me. At least I hope. They've already released me and my belongs about an hour ago and Dally is nowhere to be seen. I headed to a phone with the spare change I head left in my jacket, I mean Pony's jacket and tried calling him. No answer. I gave up. I had to walk home and hopefully get a ride from someone.

I started walking and as soon as I saw the cars roll up and shoved my thumb out into the road hoping one of them would stop. I started to gave up once no one stopped for me. I thought Darry had told me the whole entire gang would've had a party once I'm out. Everything has change, I don't know anyone anymore. It started to get dark so I put my jacket on and continued on home. I was hopefully about an hour away. The facility is about 6 miles away from my house. I could tell I was heading near town when I could smell the Dingo. I could also tell by the way I could hear the mustangs' engines roar. I heard one behind me, it started to rev. I groaned, my eyes quickly rolled. I turned around, it wasn't the same color as before. Hm. I reached for my blade and couldn't feel it in my jacket. Crap, they gave it to my dad once the incident happened.

I quickly quickened my pace, I could basically see the lot and just a few minutes from there was my house.

"Hey Greaseeee." Drunk, all of them.

I quickly gave them the bird and kept walking. One jumped out of the car. I haven't seen him around here. He was a tall one, dirty blonde hair. He seemed to be sober. He seemed different out of all of them. The ones left int he car quickly drove over to park as this one neared closer to me.

He was a well built guy, but I knew I could take him. He had these green hazel eyes. Reminded me of Sodapop's

"Get out of here now."

"I dont listen to white trash sorry."

"No, I'm sorry, I'm serious."He replied to me. "I'm Scott."

"Well Hi Scott white trash, good bye now." I said chuckling. He grabbed hold of my hand. "I'm serious you need to go, they are really drunk."

"Why are you even helping me, haven't you heard of the differences between us?" I said to him.

"No? What difference?" He asked me. But he never received the answer because his 'buddies' knocked him out cold.

"Wow straight to the point I see." I say.

The socs grabbed me and pinned me against their red mustang. "Look, I'm just trying to head home, so we can do this later okay."

"No so fast, we've heard so much about you. The one who's survived the heat." I could feel their hands graze my shoulders. I knew where this was leading to exactly. I wish I would've taken Scott's advice. I really wish Pony was here now.

"Now come one grease show us some of your moves." One with bleached hair said to me.

"Let go of me!" I could feel my tears come down. There were only three socs besides Scott. They grabbed my arms and quickly tossed me into the car. The bleached hair one sat in the drivers seat and the two were in the back, one covered my mouth while the other one was trying to remove my shoes. I quickly kicked him in the face. "Hey, that's not very nice to do." He got on top of my and the one covering my mouth now grabbed my wrists. This one, with a dark brown slicked back hair grabbed his switch and grabbed my shirt in the process revealing my bra. He grabbed it and in one slick movement cut my shirt open.

"Well well, what a surprise here." They all started laughing. I tried squirming out of their grip whilst crying.

"Aw, are we not that fun for you? Because we are currently having a blast." The bleached hair one said. He made a quick swerve into an empty lot. It was shaded my the trees, I had no idea where I was. This was it, I was gonna be raped they day I get back. No one is here to save me. One of them opened their flask, "Your gonna have fun no matter what." He opened my mouth and poured the liquid down, it tasted like gin." I had to swallow it if not they would've done worse things. I could feel all of their hands on my body and they weren't stopping. It wasn't until I heard a belt buckle that I knew I was gonna pass out.

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