cuarenta y nueve

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1. Play Date by Melanie Martinez

Emme Wilson

Well, who knew that Pony and I would be in our finals week, more specifically the last final day. I mean heck I knew we would graduate but it all feels so surreal. Pony and I had our last final together, Economics. It shouldn't be that hard but we were studying like hell the morning of.

"Alright Em, you wanna talk about any of the systems?" Pone asks me.

"Ugh, can we not, I'd rather just pass with a C and call it quits." I groaned and lied back down on the couch. Our final was in 45 minutes but I was so tired, we were up for a while.

Pony throws the book at my lap, "Em, we are passing this class with at least a B or better."

I rolled over and tossed the book onto the floor, "No."

Pony got on top of my back and all the air was let out of my body. I made an "umph"noise as he got on top.

"Come on Em, we are almost doneeee." He says as he gets up and starts to poke my butt.

I roll my eyes and look over at him, "Fine, but I don't wanna hear it when we go to college."

When I said the word college, Pony gave me the strangest look and swallowed hard.


My leg started to bounce as I look up at the clock to see that we still had 10 more minutes until the final was over. I was in such a weird mood, I'm usually fine with school but I think knowing we are this close to the end I wanna just be over with it. I placed my pencil down and I could still see Pony quickly writing away, making scribbles along the way.

I see him place down his pencil and I try to get his attention. He looks over at me and I mouth, "How did it go?" He smiled at me and I smiled back.


When we heard the last bell rang, I hopped out of my chair and walked towards him. I ran into his arms and gave him a quick kiss. We were done with school, we were open.

We walked out of the classroom and walked towards the entrance of the school,

"Hey so Darry was telling me that the gang was coming over after school, which means there's probably going to be some food and chocolate cake so let's go home and have a good time." He wrapped his arm around me and pecked my temple. We walked home from school and honestly it was so peaceful, no soc insight.


"I just wanna say how proud I am of these three bimbos, Johnny, Pony, and Emme!" Steve says as he lifts his beer. I lean over onto Pony and giggle as Steve chugs his beer and Pony and I take a quick shot.

"I am proud too," Darry says as Soda walks up to him and hugs him. They look at each other and Soda runs over to us and grabs Pony over his shoulder.

"Soda put me down!" Pony groans behind from Soda.

He dropped him down next to Darry and he gives him a quick shake, "YOU GRADUATED!" Pony chuckles a bit as Soda slaps him on his back.

I giggle and smile, this was family, they weren't friends, everyone here is family and no matter where the future takes us, I know we will always find our way back here.

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