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1. Drive Safe By Rich Brian

Emme Wilson

Soda drove me and pony to school. It was our last day of school so Pony and I were excited but also really tired. The past weeks we've been rearranging stuff around. We bought another bed and had Soda and Darry share a room and then Pony and I on their old bed. It was surprising that they let me share a room with Pony, I would've thought that they wanted me as far away from Pony in a bed.

Feeling the cool breeze on my face as we drove closer and closer to school felt nice. It may be the beginning of June but I'm gonna miss the cool breeze and not the scorching heat.

He dropped us off and we waved goodbye. We turn around and walked towards the school and I could see Johnny and Gabe standing by the entrance.

"Hey guys!" Johnny said as we got closer and gave a high five to Ponyboy. I gave Johnny and Gabe a warm embrace and then we headed to our first-period class.

Our midterms went by fast and it was shocking, next year we would be seniors, graduating from school, going to college. How am I gonna go to college? I have no money and my dad just abandoned me

I'll figure this out hopefully.


I met up with Pony, Gabe, and Johnny at the lunch tables. We sat down and everyone pulled out something to eat. I had a leftover sandwich and so did Pony, we made sandwiches last night.

"So how was everyone's test?" Gabe asked.

"Okay honestly it felt really easy but I totally feel like I didn't pass," I said laughing with my mouth full.

Gabe gave me sympathetic eyes and then look towards everyone else. They all shared their responses and for some reason, I could start to feel uncomfortable. I looked at everyone's face and they were all smirking at Ponyboy.

"Guys leave me alone," He said agonizingly, he turned around and faced away from them.

I put my hand on his leg, "What's wrong Pony?" I asked. He looked down at my hand and smiled.

"Nothing, just Gabe and Johnny are being assholes."

"What did you guys do to Ponyboy?!" I said groaning.

"Did you make a joke or a comment and I just haven't noticed?" I asked, it was annoying they were all giggling like school girls. I threw my trash at Gabe.

"Stop!" I said laughing. He threw it back and it continued like this for about 10 more minutes until people started to notice. We all laughed, but I still wanted to know why they were teasing Ponyboy.

I guess I'll never find out

sO sOrry guys, this is just a filler, the next one will be really good!

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