treinta y cuatro

576 4 4

OKay but i love TVD...


1. Picture of Girls by Wallows

Emme Wilson


those damn lips screwed me over before.

His hand snuck around and came to my cheek, he carefully caressed it. I leaned away from the kiss and the look on his face broke my heart. I didn't know why I leaned away but I didn't want to get hurt again. That kiss only reminded me of the negative parts, which there wasn't much but they impacted me deeply. I started to fiddle with my fingers and I could feel my heart racing, I regret leaning away. I was missing the warmth on my lips and the energy that it produced.

"I'm sorry Emme, I shouldn't have done that." He said scratching the back of his neck

"It's okay Pone, I enjoyed it trust me I just don't know if I'm ready for that again. I do miss that and you deeply." I said grabbing his hand and squeezing it. I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. This is nice, see this is what I miss.


We got off the Ferris wheel and it wasn't that awkward between us. I was honestly wishing I didn't lean away, maybe we would've been walking back with our hands interlaced instead of apart. I got rid of the thought from my mind and kept on walking. We met up with Johnny and Gabe.

"How was the Ferris Wheel?" Gabe asked.

"It was pretty good, the sunset was absolutely beautiful." Pony said grinning.

"Well, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, the ride Gabe and I were waiting for ended up closing as soon as we got there." Johnny grinned.

I heard some yelling and someone scoff behind us. I slowly turn around and see three security guards checking guests' wristbands and making sure that they are real...and not ours. I could feel my heartbeat start to race, we could not get caught.

"Guys...we should go." I said as I turn around. Gabe, Johnny, and Pony all look towards the guards and they start walking towards us.

"Hey, wristbands please!" The guard yelled at us.

We immediately looked in the other directions and started to run, we could not get caught. I looked behind us and saw the three of them chasing us. It was so hard to run through a crowd of people who were drunk and making a mess.

"Guys! Let's just go through the hole in the fence, let's split up and meet at Pony's house." Johnny yelled.

I went off with Pony and Gabe went with Johnny. Only one of the guards started to chase Pony and I. We were sprinting at this point, it was hard to keep up with Pony.

"Come on Em, don't slow down."

I looked around and I swear I thought I saw Darry.

"Pony! Is that Darry?" I pointed to this couple over by the skeeball.

Pony and I slowed down a bit and looked over.

Holy shit it was Darry, with a girl. His arm was wrapped around her and they were laughing, he seemed good. The girl had this bright blonde hair, it was super curly and these piercing blue eyes. I was taking too much time to look at this situation.

I totally forgot that we were supposed to be running and Pony grabbed my arm as he started to run and I dropped the prize that Pony got me. I groaned.

"Pony! You made me drop the freaking dolphin!" I yelled.

"Oh my god Emme, that's not important now!"

I rolled my eyes and we made it towards the fence. Pony helped me hop over the fence and he quickly jumped over before the guard could grab his leg. The guard almost ran into the fence and slammed his hand into it.

"Damnit," I heard the guard whisper that under his breath.

Pony and I chuckled as we kept on running.

"I'm really mad that you made me drop the dolphin."


Mid July and it's pouring in Tulsa...JULY....TULSA

Darry's girlfriend was over and pony and I were on the couch playing sticks.

Oh yeah, that girl we saw Darry with at the fair, her name is Nancy. She's an overall great gal and I think she makes Darry happy.

Pony and I stopped playing our little game and thought it would be a great idea if we cooked...

and boy was he wrong.

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