trienta y ocho

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1. Earned it by The Weekend

Emme Wilson

We had finished the first week of school, and honestly, it wasn't that bad. Classes weren't too hard, or too easy.  My friend group mainly stayed the same which was nice.  Gabe was hitting on a couple of guys. Johnny was struggling.  It mainly consisted of me getting senioritis which is surprising because I am good at what I do. But I mean it consisted of some unholy things. Almost every day Pony and I would have makeout sesh during lunch.

2 days ago

I walked out of math in hand with Pony. We were walking right against the lockers and I could slowly feel his hand graze my ass. I looked up to him and just rolled my eyes. That feeling wasn't something new but its been a while so it felt new. When the coast was clear, we quickly walked into a closet. He immediately pushed my against the door.

"Em, you need to stop wearing these jeans they are driving me crazy." He whispered against my neck.

I let out a little chuckle, "It's fun to tease you.." I grazed my finger against his bicep and slowly moved it down to his chest. I could feel him tense up form my touch. I looked up at him and just gave him this 'innocent' look.

Pony groaned and attacked my neck. He began to slowly nibble at it and I couldn't help but let out a slight moan. It was euphoric.

As soon as I made that noise he stopped.

I groaned, "Okay that's not fair."

He rolled his eyes, "See, it's not fun." He said kissing my cheek and opening up the door into the hallway. I looked behind me as he let me walk out first. He gave my butt a quick slap and we headed to lunch. He immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulder and intertwined our hands together.


I walked out of the bathroom and into Pony and I's room.

"Hey," I said as I plopped down next to him on the bed.

Darry was out with Nancy, Soda was out with Steve, Pony and I were home alone.

I looked over at him and he immediately rolled over to me and got on top of me, hovering.

"Uh... you enjoying the view?" I said trying to not be phased by it.

He giggled, he leaned down to kiss my cheek, and then my lips. His lips felt like cotton candy against my skin. I could tell my breath was getting heavier as he did this. He left a trail slowly going down towards my chest. I was giggling a bit because I'm ticklish.

"Hehe Pony stop," I said chuckling. He starting to go over this one spot on my neck that is uncontrollably ticklish. His hands slowly moved up against my arms and at my wrists. He pinned them down and started to kiss me more all over my chest.

I know he was trying to be sexy but I couldn't help but laugh it was ticklish. I could tell he was starting to go a little bit rougher which to me was wildly attractive. 

I leaned up to him and kissed his lips, he started to loosen a bit up and I was able to switch positions with him. I pushed him over to the other side of the bed and he was laying down. I got on top of him and started to kiss him a little bit harder. I ran my fingers along the side of his body and I could feel him tense up, flex a little bit more. I tugged at his lip with my teeth and pulled him up to me.

"Have I told you how much I love you Ponyboy Curtis?" I said, it just came out. I really did love this boy and I know that for a fact.

I scanned his eyes for anything, I mainly saw lust but I could see the love in there. He leaned up to me and grabbed my cheeks, he pulled me in for a kiss.

"And I love you Emme Wilson," He said as he pulled me closer.

Things were starting to get hot and heavy, his shirt was off and so was his belt. He slowly started to unbutton my blouse and lucky me I was wearing a dark blue bra. As soon as his skin came in contact with mine, it was like touching cold water on a hot summer day. I leaned down to him and pushed him against the bed as I slowly started to grind agaisnt him.

"Hey Em, I was wondering where Pon- OH MY GOSH!" Soda walked in as he immediately shut the door.

"SODA GET OUT!" Pony yelled grabbing the nearest blanket and covering me with it. He tossed me over to the side of the bed and he got out of bed.

"Soda I'm gonna kill you," Pony groaned as he opened the door.

Steve was leaning against the wall, with his hysterical laugh.

"WERE YOU GUYS THERE THE WHOLE TIME?" Pony groaned as he punched Steve's arm.

"I mean you guys did say you love each other." Soda giggled as he gave Pony a noogie.

I walked out of the room with my blouse partly buttoned. Steve went to his eyes and covered them. Pony turned around to look at me, Soda just glared.

"Nice bra, by the way, Em, Sandy had a similar one before she left me." He said as he chuckled and Pony elbowed him.

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