cuarenta y uno

525 4 1


1. Armistice by Phoenix

2. The Night We Met by Lord Huron

Emme Wilson

We stayed in the church until it was sunset. It was nice, just resting there and enjoying the fresh breeze that was mixed with dust and smoke from burnt out candles. We decided it would be good if we started to clean up and head out, it was getting kinda late and we told Soda we would only have the truck for a couple hours but time flies.  

We walked back to the car after leaving the church and closing the doors. I hopped in the truck and started my way down the hill. It wasn't that hard of a drive but I was paying close attention.

As we drove Ponyboy reminded me of something, "Hey, so are we going to the homecoming dance?" He looked at me with this hope in his voice.

Crap, I totally forgot about that and I haven't had the time to look for a dress. I started to panic a little and took a quick deep breath.

"Yeah, I'll go if you want to go but I do have to let you know I don't have a dress." I looked over at him with reassuring eyes.

"We can actually go stop and get a dress right now." I looked over at him and smiled.

"No need doll, I already got you a dress," he said with a smirk.

I was beyond amazed by this, "Will you at least tell me the color?!" 

He looked over at me and squeezed my leg, "It compliments your eyes."


It was the next morning and tonight was the senior home coming dance. Pony still hasn't shown me my dress or the color but he said he will at 4. The party starts at 7 so I got 2 hours to do my makeup and hair that hopefully coordinate with the dress.

Gabe and Johnny were going to meet us at the dance and I couldn't be more excited. Pone was telling me that Johnny allegedly has a date, her name is Michelle. Gabe, on the other hand, was flying solo tonight but maybe there will be a mystery man.

It was around 3:30 and I was already anxious to know. Pony walked out of Darry's room with to clothing bags. He gave me this smirk and said to me, "not yet." 

I rolled my eyes and pouted at him, "Pony if you don't tell me right now, I won't grind on you at the dance!"

Pony immediately turned around, face flushed. Soda and Steve were in the other room laughing their heads off.

Pony looked at me and walked towards me, "Fine."

He handed me my dress and I quickly zipped it down and out came a light white grayish dress. It was totally something I was expecting but it had a halter top and it was gorgeous. There was some shiny particles around the waist and it was fluffy right above the knees.

"Aw, Pone I love it!" I said as I gently put it down and wrap my arms around him. I quickly whispered into his ear, "I still would've grinded on you no matter what."


I put the last finishing touches on my makeup. I didn't go too crazy or full on empty but I put some mascara and had an ombre eyeshadow. I grabbed my black heels that were left by the front door and quickly laced them on. As I stood waiting by the door I saw Pony walk down the hall with his black slacks, grey button up, and white suspenders, him and Johnny were both wearing white suspenders as a senior moment.

Ponyboy Curtis

As I fixed my black bowtie, I walked down the hallway and my eyes met with hers. Looking from her shoes to the tip of her hair, she looked gorgeous. I was completely in awe. If I'm going to be honest, I thought the dress was going to be not the right size but I'm glad it ended up being perfect. I walked towards here and let out my hand to give her a quick twirl. The fluff from her dress shined with black as she twirled. She gasped. I pulled her close and fit my lips onto hers.

Soda was going to be driving us and we quickly walked outside and hopped into the backseat of the truck.

Emme Wilson

When we showed up at the dance, there was a long line all around the school, mainly socs at the front and a couple of greasers at the front but slowly being taken out. Pony and I walked with arms interlaced as we tried to find Gabe and Johnny. We saw two hands waving at us and found them. Johnny's date was wearing a light blue cocktail dress with no straps, she was gorgeous. She looked like a soc but Johnny tells me she's a family friend visiting.

We waited about 10 minutes until we were at the front and they let us in. There was no theme but the gym was filled with bright lights and a purple dance floor. Johnny, Gabe, Michelle, Pony and I walked towards the dance floor and just started to move around. It was fun, we were all just dancing around and having a good time. Gabe left us for a couple minutes because he had another group of friends that was calling him over.

Pony and Johnny went to get Michelle and I some of the spiked punch as we sat at the table. Our soles were so tired from moving around so quickly. I started to talk with her and she seemed pretty sweet. She was originally from Texas but her parents just moved to Oklahoma and are interested in our town.

When the boys came back the handed us our drinks and we all took a quick break before we went back onto that dance floor.


I looked over at Pony as we sat at the table. The mood completely changed and a slow song was about to start. I look over at him and he stared at my eyes, it felt like my soul was being sucked out. I looked down quickly and he got up and grabbed my hand. 

"Let's dance doll."

He gently interlaced our fingers together as we walked out onto the dance floor together. The song started to play and it felt in sync with us, I know, pretty cheesy.

I placed my hand right above the nape of his neck and he placed his around my hips. He gave it a quick squeeze and I jumped a little bit. He knew I was ticklish there. As I jumped, he brought me closer and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I leaned back and smiled at him.

"Come on guys, your not making my job any easier," Mr. Johnson said as he tried to give us more space, as some would say, leave space for Jesus. 

Pony groaned and just pulled me closer. He interlaced our fingers together and we just slowly swayed as I rested my head onto his chest. The beat was nice and I didn't want to leave the position we were in.

It was honestly such a fun night.

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