One - School

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The sound of yelling throws me awake. Although, I don't mind it taking me away from the nightmares, I'm still tired from yesterday, and sleep threatens to pull my back in. Every night it's some nightmare woven from my past, except for the occasional new one my mind creates.

I shiver as my bare feet touch the cold floor. Hurriedly, I make my way to the bathroom that I share with two other girls. I have to be quick with getting ready or else I will be yelled at for taking too long. I do my routine of washing my hair and other sorts before I get out. Once I'm out, I go to my small dresser to pick out my outfit for the day.

Every child in the orphanage gets a twin bed, a small dresser, and a lamp. Everything else, you have you have to bring. I don't mind having only a small amount of space though. I don't have very many belongings, so I don't take up a great amount of room anyway.

I slip on a pair of jeans and a big sweater. The sweater is cream colored and hangs off my body loosely. The sweater is easily my favorite thing to wear. It keeps me warm, it's comfortable, and it's cute. I brush my long, wavy, brown hair and let it fall to my shoulders. Deciding to keep it out of my face today, I braid it into a French braid and toss it over my shoulder. I push my glasses up as I look into he mirror. Satisfied with my work, I gather my belongings, slip on my shoes, and head out the door.

I begin the walk to school, or as I like to call it, hell. Don't get me wrong, I love school. However, I don't like the people in it. Some aren't that bad and are actually nice. Other people are quite mean, but one person stands above them all.


I already try to avoid people, but I do everything I can to stay away from him. Colin takes all of his anger out on me in every way possible. He hits me and calls me horrible things, but I'm not brave enough to stand up to him. I can't stop him because he's too big. I'm tiny compared to him. Then again, I'm tiny compared to anyone, and he easily overpowers me. If I tell a teacher, things will just get worse.

I step into the school corridors to be greeted by a gust of warm air. I'm freezing from the wind outside, so the warmth makes me feel immensely better. I hope it doesn't rains on the way home. If it does, then I'm really screwed.

I make my way quickly to the library, otherwise known as my sanctuary. No one bothers me, it's quiet, and I get to read. I go to a table, sit down, pull out the book I have been reading, and continue where I left off. After a few minutes, I hear someone speaking to me. I look up to see a man standing in front of me. Reflexively I shrink into myself, not at all enjoying him towering over me.

"Hi, can you show me where the front office is?" He ask

He has a strong jawline, big green eyes, and brown hair. He is definitely not a student. He carries a satchel on his shoulder while the other hand holds a phone. He's dressed in a button up shirt with slacks, looking very professional.  

I give a small nod and stand, closing my book and putting it away. My heart hammers in my chest as I pick up my bag. Being around other people makes me nervous due to my fear of upsetting people. I never know what they are capable of doing when they get mad. New people especially suck because I don't know what could go wrong because I don't know what upsets them.

He says a quick 'thank you' and follows me. As we exit the library and go into the commons, another man comes up beside him and starts following me.

"Is she taking us there?" The new man ask
"Good." The other man says with a sigh

I keep my head down and say nothing as we walk, hoping they won't want a conversation on the way there. It's not far from the library to the front office, and we get there shortly. I stop when we reach the office door and turn to them. They stop with me, looking confused until they see the plaque next to the door reading 'Front Office'

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