Six- Bracelet

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Today starts like any other day. I wake up, shower, skip breakfast so another kid could have it, walk to school, attend class, study when I have time, avoid other people. Normal, except for having a run in with Colin. He beat me like last time, even though I smiled when I saw him, just like he wanted me too.

People had been called to a part of the school where no one ever goes. I hadn't paid any attention to it because they hadn't called me. Suddenly, in the beginning of my last class, the lady comes over the intercom.

"Evangeline King, please report to the East wing of the school, room 167, thank you." She says
Everyone turns to me, I gather my stuff quickly, wanting to get out of their gaze. I don't know what's going on. I didn't do anything wrong, at least I don't think I did.

I go to where she said to go. A lady that I have never seen before sits at a desk in what looks to be a makeshift waiting room. I walk up to her at the desk.

"Hi, what's your name?" She ask, her name tag reads Cheryl.
"E-Evangeline King." I whisper
Cheryl types something into her computer and something starts to print. She peels a sticker off of what printed and holds it on her finger. She shuffles through a few papers and stops at one. I recognize it as my form that I had filled out the day before yesterday. Her smile falls when she looks at my scale. She puts down my form and picks up a purple band of some sort. There are three colors; white, blue, and purple. She places the sticker on it and ask for my arm. I give it to her and she makes the band into a bracelet. It is similar to a hospital band that patients get when they check in. She gives me the form with an encouraging smile.

"You can wait in the chairs over there. He will be with you shortly. Give this to him, and good luck." She says.

I give her a worried look before turning around and heading to the chairs. I set my bag in my lap and look at the bracelet. It has my name, birthday, and allergies on it. Tears fill my eyes as I realize what's happening. My face goes pale and my hands begin to tremble. I stand up and clutch my bag tightly to my chest. I start walking, head down, tears slipping out slowly as sniffles come from me. Just as I get a few feet from my chair, a door opens and out steps Grayson. I don't turn back around, I keep walking, even faster than before. This just got so much worse.

"Evangeline." He calls after me. I let out a small squeak before starting to go faster. I break out into a full sprint when I hear he walking behind me. Tears are falling more abundantly now. My chest tightens from fear and running. I can hardly see because I'm looking down and because of the tears. I'm yards away from the hallway to where the door to leave is, when I run into something big. Whatever it is, grabs me by the shoulders and bends down to my level. I look away from the floor to see a pair of green scrubs and a large body, blocking me from escape. My eyes travel up the body until I see pockets full of scary tools, a stethoscope around their neck and finally Luke's face. I let out a blood curdling scream and push out of his grip. I back up while not taking my eyes off them.

"Evangeline, it's okay." Luke says calmly. I squeak when my back touches the wall, I put my hand out beside me as I move to my left, trying to get away. I whimper when I reach a corner. I forgot it was here. Now I'm definitely trapped. My chest feels like it's going to explode and my tears soak my face. My thoughts are jumbled and my body shakes uncontrollably. I'm in the beginning of a panic attack; possibly the worst one I've ever had.

Luke approaches me cautiously with his hands out in front of him to show he isn't hiding anything. He follows my eyes to all the tools in his pockets and reaches to them instantly. He starts talking calmly to me while taking out the tools. My eyes dart between him, the tools, and the slowly approaching Grayson.

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