Sixty Three- 'On Air'

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I straighten my tie in the mirror. I have the conference tonight. Grayson came to one almost two years ago.

I check my watch one last time before grabbing my bag and heading out of my hotel room. I hail down a taxi and slide into the backseat. The driver takes me to the convention center like I asked him to. I pay and walk into the large building. People are everywhere, all dressed nicely, having a great time meeting new people. I check in at the registration area.

When it's time, everyone flows into a large room and finds seats at different white cloth covered tables. I get seated with two other men, Tom Blackwell and Peter Simpson, and a woman, Janice Blackwell. I find out that Janice and Tom are married. Peter has a wife back in California where he's from. The Blackwells are from Michigan. Everyone in this room is from somewhere in the United States. Despite our origination differences, we all have something in common. All of us are doctors. All of us help people.

A man, Kevin Craddolph, takes a seat behind a table with microphones on the stage. He's the host of this event.

"Welcome everyone!" He says beaming "It is great to have you all here. I am Kevin Craddolph, if you don't know me. Tonight, we are here to honor each other." He says professionally "Now I know you all don't want to hear me talk all night, so I'll get on with it." He says jokingly, earning a laugh from everyone.

"Lets bring up our first guest, Doctor Mark Williams." Kevin says. A tall man stands and walks to the stage while everyone claps. We listen while they interview him. He's from Kentucky, works in a hospital, and has a wife and two children.

Person after person gets called up to be interviewed. As time goes bye, everyone becomes more relaxed. People begin to make jokes on stage, warming up the crowd, creating a warm atmosphere in the room. Waiters come by to offer champagne or water, and I gladly accept a water. I check my watch and see that it's only seven. The woman that was currently speaking, finishes. She climbs from the chair, everyone claps, and she sits back down at her table. I listen carefully for who the next person to be invited on stage is. Only people who are winning awards speak. Others are just here to watch. A few awards sit on the table with Kevin, gleaming under the lights.

"And for our last guest speaker, please welcome, Doctor Luke Clark." Kevin announces
My eyes go wide, and I almost choke on my water.
Everyone begins to clap as I stand slowly, immediately becoming worried about how I look.

I make my way to the stage and sit in the hard plastic chair after shaking Kevin's hand. Bright lights shine on us from above, creating a small amount of heat. My name is shown behind us on a projector screen that is hooked up to the computer on the table in front of me.

"Uh, hello." I say awkwardly
"Welcome, it's a pleasure to have you." Kevin says
"Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here." I say back
"You have been voted as the best doctor to handle scared patients." Kevin tells me. He grabs a glass award that has a golden plaque with my name or it, and sets it in front of me.
"Well, um, thank you?" I try to say confidently but it ends up coming out more like a question.
A low chuckle comes from the crowd and from Kevin.

"Sorry, I have never been good with public speaking. If you think this is awkward, you should have heard my high school graduation speech." I say with a small laugh. Everyone laughs which makes me smile.
"It's alright. We can't be good at everything." Kevin jokes and I shake my head no with a laugh. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but you own a clinic, correct?" Kevin ask
"Yes," I nod "I share it with my best friend, Grayson, who is a dentist. He was also here two years ago I think, for the same award." I inform him
"Is it just for a certain type of patient, or is it for anyone?" He ask
"No, it's for everyone. We deal with kids, adults, teenagers, anyone, but we created it for scared patients." I say, becoming more comfortable as we talk.

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