Forty Two- Phone Number

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Finally a week goes by I'm allowed to read again. Luke and I cuddled and read for a long time when my punishment is up. I'm not sick anymore and I'm glad. Being sick isn't fun, especially when your dad is a doctor. It's Friday so Im happier than usual because I don't have school tomorrow. That means I get a whole two day without Colin! I meet Luke at the west wing after school like always. He has a happy look on his face as he walks to me.

"Hello my little kitten." He says ruffling my hair
"Hi." I giggle
"Guess where we are going tomorrow." He says
"Home?" I say sarcastically
He chuckles "Yes, but where else?" He says
"Umm," I say tapping my chin as I think
"I don't know." I say giving up
"The fair is here and I thought we might go." He says
Excitement builds in my tiny body and I jump up and down to release some of it.
"Really?" I squeal. He nods and laughs as I jump around excitedly.

"I see someone is excited." I hear Grayson say from behind me
"We're going to the fair!" I say eager for tomorrow to come
"I know." He says pretending to be shocked
"Are you conning with us?" I ask hopefully
"Yes, I'm coming." He says

Suddenly, and idea comes to mind. I spin back around to Luke and clasp my hands in front of my chest in a begging motion.

"Can we invite Sophie too?" I beg
"I guess." He says
"Yay! Lets go, lets go before she leaves!" I say and grab their hands. I drag them behind me as I half walk half jog to Ms. Harris' classroom. When we get there she is sitting at her desk grading papers.

"Ms. Harris, Ms. Harris," I say frantically
She giggles at me and sets down her pen. "Yes?" She says
"We're going to the fair!" I cheer
"That sounds fun." She says to fuel my excitement
"Do you want to come with us?" I ask. She seems taken back by my question at first.
"Um," she says only to be cut off by Luke
"Come on, Sophie. It'll be fun." Luke says
"Yeah, come with us." Grayson ask
"Please." I beg
She chuckles "Fine, I'll come." She says, making my spirits soar
"Yay!" I squeal happily

We move closer to her desk and can see behind it. We all notice the pictures she has hanging up on a cork board along with a few sticky notes.

"What are those?" Grayson ask referring to the sticky notes. She blushes and turns her head to look at them.

"Oh, someone has been leaving these and they are really nice, so I thought I would keep them." She says embarrassedly. Luke's face goes pale while Sophie's is a bright pink from blush.

There are seven in total and each has some nice saying on them.
"You are Beautiful"
"People in your life who matter, are going to love you regardless of your size."
"You are strong. You are beautiful. You are enough."
"Believe in yourself."
"You are still beautiful. Even if you don't see it, I do."
"Life is way to short to spend another day at war with yourself."
"You are perfect exactly as you are." They say

"Do you recognize the handwriting?" She ask us
"No." Luke says quickly
She turns to us for an answer and I shake my head no, even though I recognize it as Luke's. It would be wrong of me to tell her if Luke doesn't want her to know. Grayson hesitates for a moment "I don't, sorry." He says
"I don't know who is sending them, but I'm the only one getting them, I think." She says
"Do you like getting them?" Luke ask
She giggles lightly and looks to her lap to hide her blush. "Yeah actually. It's kind of nice to know that at least someone thinks I'm pretty." She says
"But, you are pretty." I say confusedly
"Thank you sweetheart." She says
"Why would you think you aren't?" Grayson ask
"Because quite frankly you are one of the hottest women I've ever seen, and that's a lot." Grayson says which makes me giggle. Her face blushes a deep red and she lets out a small laugh.
"Thanks." She says
Luke slaps his arm and then points to me.
"Evangeline does not need to hear the list of hot women you've seen, even though Sophie is hot." He says
"Umm, we're still here." I say to get his attention
"Oops." He mumbles
"Thanks, I guess." Sophie says embarrassed
"You still never answered my question." Grayson says bringing back up his question from earlier.
"That's um, not a very good conversation to have in front of her." She says referring to me
"Anyways, lets stop talking about this. What time is the fair? She ask trying to change the subject
"I was thinking around six tomorrow night." Luke says
"Okay." She says.
Luke turns to Gray "Are you still coming over for dinner at five?" He ask
"Don't I always?" He says sarcastically
"Yes." I say. Grayson always comes over for food before we go somewhere. It's fun with him there though, so I don't complain.
"Sophie, do you want to come over for dinner and we can all ride in one car?" Luke suggest
"Sure." She says
"Okay then." Luke says
"Wait, what is for dinner?" Grayson ask
My favorite food pops into my mind and I blurt it out quickly. "Grilled cheese!"
"I guess we are having grilled cheese." Luke says laughingly
Sophie writes something on a sticky note and hands it to Luke. "This is my number, call me if anything changes." She says
"Okay." He says and pockets the number

Luke turns to me and smiles. "Ready to go home?" He ask, I nod. I take a few steps to Ms. Harris and hug her goodbye.
"Bye." I tell her
"Bye sweetheart, I'll see you tomorrow." She says and hugs me back.
"Okay." I say and go back to Luke. He sets a hand on my shoulder and tells Sophie bye as we walk out. Grayson tells her goodbye and we head to the cars.

When we are out of earshot of Ms. Harris I start walking in front of Luke walking backwards to face him.

"You left Ms. Harris those nice notes." I tell him and poke his stomach. He doesn't say anything but a light blush creeps across his face.
"You smooth son of a... biscuit." Grayson says avoiding the bad word when I shoot him a glare.
"Both of you hush. She doesn't know it's me and I intend to keep it that way." He says not looking at us. 
"Hey, at least you got her number." Grayson says which makes Luke chuckle. I give up on making him talk and turn around and skip to the car.

We reach the cars and drive home. I go to my room to change clothes and then meet Luke back downstairs. I help make dinner which is technically putting leftovers in the microwave, but it still counts as cooking. We eat dinner and I keep grinning at Luke because of the thought of him being so nice to Sophie. He just brushes me off and doesn't acknowledge it.

We watch a movie called The Goonies which is pretty good. I like it and so does Luke. Afterwards, we cuddle in my chair until I start to get sleepy and make Luke switch to my bed where I can sprawl out like a starfish to be more comfortable. I stop Luke after a few chapters because I want to talk.

"I like Sophie. She's nice." I say
"Yeah, she is." He agrees
"Luke." I say
"What Kitten?" He ask
"Why did you give those nice notes to her?" I ask rolling over to face him.
"Well, I know she doesn't really like her body, even though me and you know she is very very pretty, so I thought I might try to make her feel better." He explains which makes me smile.
"That was nice of you." I say
"Sometimes people don't see how beautiful they really are, and that's not good." He says
"No, it's not." I say slowly, agreeing with him

We are silently but the silence says everything for itself. We lay there staring at my ceiling thinking. I start to doze off, but I say one last thing before letting myself slip into sleep.

"She would be a good mommy." I say aloud to both myself and Luke.

"Go to sleep, Kitten. You'll need your energy for tomorrow." Luke says and kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight, I love you." He says like usual.
"Goodnight." I mumble
He turns off my light, puts away the book, and leaves. I fall asleep with wonders of what the fairies like in my mind.

Heellloooo my lovelies are you excited for the fair?! Sorry for the short chapter it's kind of a filler chapter until I have time to write more. 

-Have fun reading! Peace out home slice
(I don't know what I just typed, but I'm too lazy to go back now so just deal with it.)

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