Twenty One- Family

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I didn't sleep much last night. I was too afraid to sleep in fear that I would have the dream again. Luke cuddled me all night and I was glad. It made me feel safe. He was able to calm me down when I started having the dream again. I woke up shaking and crying with panic flowing through my whole body. The dream had started where it left off before. Gabriel was hurting me and sticking me with needles to make it impossible for me to move.

Light streams in from the cracked blinds, hitting mine and Luke's bodies, warming them slightly. My eyes flutter open to see a smiling Luke looking down to me.
"Good morning, sleepyhead." He chuckles
"Good morning." I yawn.
"Still tired, love bug?" He ask jokingly
"Yeah." I mumble and nestle my head in his chest.
He stifles a laugh and strokes my hair soothingly.
"Come on sleepy, wake up." He says and shakes me slightly.
"No, I like sleeping." I whine
"I know, but I want to see those big beautiful eyes of yours." He says
I open my eyes slightly, only to have the sun blind me. I shut them tightly to get rid of the blinding light.
"Make the sun go away." I beg and he laughs at me. He situates the blankets behind me so it's blocking the light from my eyes.
"There you go." He says. I peek out of one eye slightly to check to make sure I'm in the clear. The sun is no longer in my eyes so I open them fully.
Luke smiles at me like always.
"Thank you." I say
"Your welcome, Kitten." He says happily "So, what do you want to do today?" He ask
"I don't know. I kind of just want to lay here and cuddle." I say and lay my head back on his chest.
"Okay, we can do that." He says and gives me a light squeeze.

We stay silent for a while and just lay there. Him holding me and me embracing his warmth. Now, some people might think it's kind of weird for a girl to cuddle with a grown man, but this is not in any way sexual. This is about comfort and trust and feeling safe in someone's arms. Something I've never experienced up until a few days ago. To a girl who ever had anyone to hold, anyone to talk to, anyone to ask questions to, anyone to care about her, it's something you always crave. You want someone to even say something nice to you, or do something as simple as pick up your books when someone pushes you down. Cuddling with someone who might actually care about you is a very big deal when you never had anyone before.

"Luke." I say quietly
"Yes, Kitten?" He ask
"Am I your daughter?" I ask. He seems a little taken back by my answer and looks at me curiously
"Yes, you are my daughter." He says
"So, you're my dad?" I ask
"Yes, or your guardian, whatever you want to call me is fine with me." He says understanding that I might not be comfortable calling him my dad. I stay quiet for a few seconds before another question popped into my mind.
"Does that make us a family?" I ask tenderly. I look up to his face to see his eyes full of surprise.
"Kitten, family doesn't have to be by blood, or by adoption. Family is whoever you trust and love and can be yourself around. Family is who you choose, so I would say that's a question you need to ask yourself." He says and pokes my heart.
I look back down to our feet and listen to his heartbeat. I like how steady it is. It's calming for some reason. To know that the person who means most to you is alive, right next to you, and caring for you is a great feeling. A feeling I've always wanted but never had.
"Luke." I say quietly
"What is it, love bug?" He says
I look back up to him with my eyes wide and full of contempt.
"I like our family." I say softly. A wide smile spreads across his face and he brushes a piece of hair behind me ear.
"Me too, kitten. Me too." He says smiling at me. I hug him tightly and he hugs me back. A smile appears on my face at my new thoughts.

'I have a family! I have someone who cares about me!' I think to myself.
He releases me but I don't move from in his arms. My eyes travel across his chest and arms and I'm finally able to see how he can lift me so easily. He's really fit. He has larger than normal biceps and an outline of abs. I giggle and poke his hard stomach.

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