Forty Seven- Dog park

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I wake up under my big pile of stuffies. I claw my way to the surface and climb out of bed. Last night was so much fun, but it was exhausting. I smile when I see bubbles swimming around in his bowl happily. I drop a few pieces of food in there and go take a shower. I pull on a loose top that hangs off of one of my shoulders and a pair of jean shorts. I put my hair into a messy bun after brushing it. There aren't many tangles because Sophie helped me brush it before bed last night. She was gentle with getting getting the tangles out, and it was calming.

I skip downstairs, but Luke isn't in the kitchen like he usually is. I decide to cook breakfast for Luke since he always does it for me. I scramble three eggs in a pan and add cheese to make them cheesy eggs. I make sausage somehow without burning myself on the grease. I carefully cut up some strawberries and set them atop two cups of yogurt and set it all on a tray. I pop pieces of bread into the toaster and spread grape jelly on them when they are ready. I pour two glasses of orange juice and set them on the tray with the rest of the food. I let Nugget out for a few minutes and give him his breakfast before going back upstairs. I peek into Luke's door to find him sprawled out on his bed. I tiptoe in and set the food on his dresser quietly. Then, I run and jump onto his bed. I bounce up and down on the mattress to wake him up.

"Daddy, Luke, wake up. Wake up, we have to go to the pet store for Bubbles!" I express urgently
He groans and rolls over to face me. I keep jumping on the bed to wake up him up. I plop down onto the bed and throw my body across his chest to make sure he's awake. He lets out an oof followed by a chuckle and I crawl over him to the other side.

"Wake up, sleepy." I say and poke his cheek
"Well good morning to you too." He says sarcastically
"I made you breakfast!" I squeal excitedly
"You did?" He says shocked
"Yup, I'll go get it." I say and carefully carry the tray over to his bed. He sits up and I place the tray on his lap.
"Do you like it?" I ask with slight fear in my heart.
"I do, thank you Kitten." He says situating the tray so it won't spill.
I sit beside his legs in criss cross form and take sips of my juice. We eat the food and Luke almost drops his piece of toast which makes me laugh because of the face of horror he made as he realized he was going to lose his precious piece of food.

"Did you have fun yesterday?" He ask me
I nod "Bunches. I love the fair!" I squeal as I happily remember yesterdays events.
"I still want a corndog." I mumble disappointedly. Why do I have to be allergic to peanuts? Couldn't it be anything else? All I wanted was a freak fracking corndog from the fair.
"I will get you a corndog, I swear." He chuckles
"Yay." I cheer
"After breakfast, which is very tasty by the way, why don't we go to the pet store to get Bubbles something to make his home more exciting, and then go to the park with nugget to play?" He suggest
"Good plan." I say. We high five and finish breakfast. I wash the dishes while Luke gets ready and clean up the mess I made.

We drive to the pet store when Luke is ready. It's not far from home so it doesn't take us long to get there. We walk in to see a room full of different types of animals. Birds, lizards, snakes, mice, rats, ferrets, and puppies all in different enclosures. Care items for these animals line the walls, making the room extra colorful. I gaze at the adorable animals and occasionally stop the pet a puppy or kitten as Luke attempts to lead me to the back of the store. When we finally reach the back room it is filled with multiple aquariums with many different species of fish in them. He takes me to the far right side of the room where the fish tanks and decorations are.

"What does Bubbles like?" Luke ask jokingly
"Bright colors." I say happily
"Okay, so what about these pebbles?" He says holding up a bag of neon colored pebbles for the tank.
"Definitely." I say. I spot a Marlin and dory decoration that I instantly fall in love with. Nemo is in between them like a family, and it would fit perfectly in Bubbles big bowl. I grab it off the shelf and show it to Luke. He smiles and ruffles my hair.

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