Twenty Seven- Rest

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I saw the way Luke was looking at Ms. Harris. She was looking at him the same way too. They were both flustered and stumbled over their words when talking to each other. I thought it was funny, so I tried to get them to talk to each other more. Grayson saw it too and we kept grinning at each other because of them.

I saw Luke grimace in pain when he ate something and so did Grayson. I look at him worriedly but he just looks to Grayson who is glaring at him. They seem to have a silent conversation with themselves and Luke tries to act like nothing happened. Luke had seemed like his mouth was bothering him all morning. I wanted him to get it looked at but I also didn't want him to get hurt.

Ms. Harris is fun to talk with. Before, I really did want to talk to her but I wasn't allowed to. When I asked her if she wanted a cookie she debated with herself, eventually giving in and taking a cookie. I like sharing with them. No one ever shared with me, so I want to change that. I like making other people happy, it makes me feel good.

After school, Luke takes us home. I finish my homework and play with Nugget until Luke calls me to the table for dinner. He isn't talking as much as he usually does, and is staring off into space thinking of something. I think I know what it is. Or who to be more precise. Ms. Harris.

When we finish dinner, we clean up and get ready for bed. Luke's and I snuggle in my chair and read more of 'The Fault in Our Stars'. I notice Luke seems more tired tonight. Sadly, he isn't the only whose had a rough day. I had a particularly unpleasant encounter with Colin on my way to my class after lunch. I swear, it's like he has my schedule memorized so that he know where I am at all times. It's very annoying and painful for my body. Although, it is helping me learn to not cry when I'm in pain, and is helping me learn to hide my emotions better, so I guess that's an up side to the whole ordeal.

I fall asleep in his arms and he puts me to bed. He tucks me in and then goes to his own bed. I cuddle with Ellie and Nugget and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Luke wakes me up and I get ready for school. I put on a pair of jeans and a loose top that hangs off my shoulders. I curl my hair and then brush through it to make it waiver than it already is. I apply some light make up and head downstairs. Luke is just finishing making breakfast and dishes it out on our plates. "Good morning." I sing as I skip around the kitchen. "Good morning, Kitten." He says happily. I give him his morning hug and then sit down at the table with him. We begin eating and I notice he isn't in pain any more.
"Luke." I say
"Yes?" He ask curiously
"Did you let Grayson fix your tooth?" I ask
He looks confused for a second before nodding.
"Yep, he made it all better." He says
"He didn't hurt you, did he?" I ask hoping that he didn't.
"No, Kitten. He didn't hurt me. He helped me." He says
A weight lifts off my shoulders. I'm really glad Grayson didn't hurt Luke. I would never be able to forgive Grayson if he hurt Luke.
"Love bug, not everyone is like Gabriel." He tries to tell me. I cringe at the name. I hate that man. No, I loath him.
"Please don't bring him up. I don't like talking about him." I say quietly into my plate. He gets a sad look and drops the subject of my past.

'Great Evangeline, you've made him upset. Now you have to make him happy again.' I tell myself

"How did you know my tooth hurt?" He ask
"It looked like you were in pain when you ate, and you rubbed your jaw a lot yesterday." I explain
"Oh." He says and keeps eating.

I finish my food and make myself eat all of it this time. I really wish I wouldn't have eaten it all though. Now my stomach hurts a lot. Luke looks proud of me, but suspects something is up because in clutching my stomach as we sit there. We finish a few minutes earlier than usual because we got ready quicker than normal. Luke sorts through his bag and reorganizes it during this time while I lay curled into a ball on the couch. He doesn't notice this because he has his back to me.

"Daddy." I whimper as cramps roll through my stomach. "My tummy really hurts." I say. I cover my mouth and shoot from the couch when I feel bile rise in the back of my throat. I make it to the trash can just in time to rip off the top and lean over it before I can't hold it in anymore. Seconds later, I feel Luke holding my hair back out of my face for me. My throat burns and tears prick my eyes from the pain. I struggle for air as my stomach releases its contents into the trash bin.
"M-Make it stop." I cry out just fast enough before I start throwing up again.
"Shh, just let it out, Kitten. It'll be over in a minute." He says trying to comfort me. He rubs my back soothingly as I sob and dry heave into the bin. Like he said, its over after a few minutes. My body slumps over the rim as I gasp for air.
"Evangeline, you can't push yourself so much that you make yourself sick. That's not good for you." Luke says. He hands me a bottle of water and I take small sips and rinse out my mouth. I push myself away from the stinky trash and into Luke's lap. I lean against his chest and he cradles me in his arm.
"I'm s-sorry." I sniffle "I made you sad when I ask you to n-not talk about him, so I w-wanted to make you happy again by eating all my food." I cry, disappointed in myself and because of the burning feeling in my throat.
"Sweetheart, I want you to eat as much as you can, but you can't force yourself to eat so much that it makes you sick. Then, it's just going to take longer for your body to get used to eating a proper diet. That means your tummy is going to hurt longer." He says, rubbing circles on my stomach to help ease my nausea and cramps. I sit there in his comforting grip until I can stop crying. I can't take the taste in my mouth anymore. I get up and make my way up to my bathroom to brush my teeth. I make sure I didn't get anything on my clothes. I didn't, so I wash my face and fix my hair. I trudge back downstairs to see that Luke has taken the trash out and gather his things up. I've only been up for an hour and a half but I'm already exhausted.
"Are you sure you want to go to school? You need to rest." He says
"I have to go. I can't miss school just because I got sick this morning." I say even though all I want to do is curl into a ball and sleep.
Luke grudgingly agrees and drives us to school. I rest my eyes on the way there, but it does virtually nothing.

Ms. Harris ask if I'm okay before class and I tell her yes. She keeps her eye on me throughout class. None of my other teachers hardly notice anything different with me. My limbs feel like thousand pound weights and I have no energy at all. I eat only half of my sandwich at lunch because I don't want to risk getting sick again. I do my homework to keep myself away during lunch and study hall and talk to Gray and Luke. Colin catches me during my class change and hardly holds back today. It takes everything I have to peel myself off the ground and walk to my next class. Everything hurts and I'm so tired.

When school is over, I make my way to the east wing of the school to meet with Luke. Mrs. Cheryl says he will be a few minutes because he is still cleaning up, so I sit down on the bench. I decide that I might as well try to rest while I wait. I lay down on the bench, using my book bag as a pillow. I'm out like a light within a few seconds.

I don't know how much time had passed, but I feel my body being carried and I crack open my eyes. Luke is carrying me to the car. He sets me down gently in the front seat and buckles me in. I drift back off to sleep at he drives us home. Once we get home, Luke unbuckled me and wakes me up just enough to get me to latch onto him so he can carry me inside.
"Evangeline, come here baby. Lets go inside and then you can sleep." He says softly to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, laying my head on his shoulder as he walks. He takes me to my room and puts me on my soft mattress which I welcome greatly. I hold Ellie close to my body and get Luke to wrap me in a cocoon of blankets for maximum comfort. I'm almost asleep when he's done and mumble a thank you before completely submitting to the beckoning calls of sleep.

We are almost to 10k and that's amazing! I had no clue that this story would become so popular to be honest. I hope people continue to read this story and like it too. I know we can get there!!!
I had a different plan for this chapter and I don't know what happened with it. Oops. But this is what I've got so I'm going with it. This was kind of just a filler chapter until I have enough energy to write something more important. Until then, here you go.

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