Fifteen- Wonderful

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I wake up to Luke laying beside me, tenderly rubbing his thumb against my arm. He smiles when my eyes flutter open. He immediately puts on my glasses for me so I can actually see him. He boops my nose, making me giggle.

"Sleep well?" He ask
I nod sleepily.
"For someone who doesn't like to be touched, you sure do like to cuddle." He teases. I blush. I smile and move closer to him. I wrap my small arms around him and lay my head on his chest. He chuckles and rubs my back soothingly. My stomach was hurting all night, at one point I even thought I might throw up. Of course I didn't tell Luke this, I didn't want him to go into doctor mode.
"Does your stomach still hurt?" He ask. I shake my head no and he smiles.
"What about your throat?" He ask and I shake my head no again.
"Good. Are you ready to get up?" He ask
I bury my head into him, closing my eyes to go back to asleep. He chuckles at me and pulls me closer to him.
"Five more minutes, okay?" He says
"Okay." I mumble
Five minutes go by with me just laying there listening to Luke's heartbeat. Luke twirls my hair in his finger as we lay there. It makes me feel safe and comfortable.
"Evangeline?" He says
"Yes?" I ask looking up to him.
"Do you know how wonderful you are?" He ask, grinning at me. This puts a smile on my face, a doubtful one, but a smile.
"You're very wonderful, everything about you is wonderful, and I'm very happy you are apart of my family now." He says looking into my eyes. He traces the outline of my face with his finger.
"Thank you." I say
"Sweetheart," he says with sincereness in his eyes, "I love you, and I promise, I will try to be the best father I can be." He says

My smile falls, my heart stops. I don't know what to say. I've never had anyone say that to me that I can remember. I don't know if I feel the same way. I don't even know if I trust him. My mouth hangs agape, unable to make a sound. Sadness fills my eyes and my thoughts jumble in my mind.

"Luke..." I say disappointed in myself. He shushes me and I can't bear to look at him.
"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I understand." He says compassionately
I lay my head back on his chest to get out of his gaze.
"Thank you." Is all I can muster. We lay there silently, him tracing shapes on my back, and me listening to his heart. Nugget crawls in between us to get more attention. We both scratch his ears together. He turns to complete bliss and licks our hands excitedly. I giggle at him and Luke laughs at us.
"We have to get ready. You have school, and I have work." He says looking at the time.
"But I'm comfortable." I say, muffled by his chest.
"I know, but we still have responsibilities." He says to me. I sigh in return.
"Hey, cheer up. As soon as school is over, we can go get all the stuff you need to make your dress." He says
I smile at the thought of actually getting to make my design.
"Yay." I squeal happily
"But, school first." He says firmly.
"Okay." I say, getting up from the bed. I walk to my dresser and pull out a pair of jeans with a big sweater and a tank top because the sweater has large knit holes that you can see through. I really like sweaters because of how comfortable and warm they make me feel. I also like pulling the sleeves down past my hands and flopping the sleeves around when no one is watching. It's fun to me.
Luke gets up from my bed when I go to take a shower. I shower, get out, and finish my morning routine after putting on my clothes. Grabbing my things, I skip downstairs to the kitchen. Luke has gotten dressed in scrubs like yesterday, making me cringe slightly at the reminder of him being a doctor.

He pours thick and tan mush into two bowls, topping it off with cinnamon and apple slices. He puts two spoons in the steaming bowls and brings them to the table. He smiles at me and pours two glasses of orange juice. He sits down and I do too.
I hesitate to start eating because I know it will make my stomach hurt.
"I'm not that hungry." I mumble and clutch my stomach fearfully.
"Honey, I know you don't want your stomach to hurt, but you need to eat." He says concernedly
I look down sadly to the bowl of beautiful food.
"The more stable your diet is, the easier your body is going to adjust. That means is not going to take as long for the food to not make it hurt after you eat." He explains carefully, not to upset me.
"Okay." I mumble unhappily

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