Forty- Sophie

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*Warning this chapter could be triggering for some readers. Involves body image issues. Please read at your own risk.*


Luke sent sparks through my hand when he grabbed it during my check up. I was scared out of my mind, but I couldn't let him know that. He would think I'm a child if I told him. It broke my heart to watch the video of Evangeline. She was petrified of them. Her scream sent chills down my spine, and you could tell it really bothered Luke.

When I got to my room from using the bathroom, I found a sticky note on my computer saying 'You are Beautiful'. It made me cry a little from happiness. It had been so long since someone called me beautiful. The only thing is, I don't know who it came from. I have never seen their handwriting before and I know it's not one of my students because I can recognize their handwriting.

I hate to admit it, but I really did need the note at the moment. Hearing Luke say how much I weigh killed me. I hate my weight. I haven't reached my goal of. 140 yet. It was quite embarrassing too. Luke probably thinks I'm a hippo. I do look like one though. Sure, I went down a dress size, but that still doesn't change the fact that I'm fat. I despise my body. Everything about it I hate. My thighs rub when I walk, my stomach is to big, and my arms are just straight fat.

The day that Luke and Grayson made me eat the sandwich and apple, I hadn't forgotten my food. I was purposefully not eating. I had caved that morning and eaten a chocolate muffin. I was just hoping they wouldn't notice that I wasn't eating. Unlucky for me, they did.

I remembered just as I had gotten to my classroom that Luke didn't get Evangeline's work. I knew she cared very much about her grades, so I decided that I could drop them off with Luke for her. I collected her work from her other teachers, which wasn't much, and headed home.

I let Sugar into my back yard to use the bathroom while I change. I put on some more comfortable clothes, thankful to get out of my heels. I pull on a pair of jeans and a loose white shirt that Ganges off my body with a pair of black flats. I let Sugar back inside and give her some food. I check to make sure she has water before grabbing my phone, keys, and Evangeline's work. I give Sugar a quick scratch and head out the door, locking it on the way.

'I can burn more calories if I walk instead of drive.' I think to myself

It's not far so it shouldn't take me long. Our houses are literally right around the corner from each other. It's really surprising that we have never seen each other before. I sometimes jog around the neighborhood and go down the road to the turn about where his house is too. I walk down the street and try to figure out what to say when I get there.
For some reason, my thoughts get all jumbled when I'm around Luke.

'Hi, I brought Evangeline's work that you forgot.' I say in my head
"No that's mean." I say aloud to myself
'Hey, didn't expect to see you here.'
"It's their house, why wouldn't they be there? That's stupid." I tell myself 
I soon find myself standing on their porch, still not knowing what to say.

'What if he thinks I'm a stalker?' I ask myself
'Stop! Just ring the doorbell and drop of the stupid papers, it's not that hard.' I command myself. Before I can back out, I push the doorbell and my heart starts to race. I hear footsteps getting closer and the door opens soon after. Luke stands in the doorway and smiles when he sees me. My mind goes completely blank when I see him. It's the first time I've seen him without scrubs.... and damn does he look fine. He has on a grey cotton shirt that hugs his body and shows off his muscles. It grips his biceps and stretches over his chest, and I can see a faint outline of abs which makes my mouth go dry.
I stand there starstruck as he opens the door all the way and steps out slightly.

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