Ten- New Home

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Grayson follows me to my room. Why are they doing this? Are they going to hurt me like that man? I don't want to go back to the hospital afterwards. It was just as bad as what the man did. They had to check my teeth again there too. The doctors hurt me even more.

I wipe away my tears, but more keep coming. I slide my duffle bag from under my bed and set it on the freshly made comforter. I unzip it as Grayson watches me from behind. I pack my clothes slowly, hoping to by some time until I have to be hurt again.

I look up to Grayson as I figure out what to do so he doesn't see my undergarments. I take him by the arms and he lets me. I cover his eyes with his hands and then spin him around. He chuckles a little and stays how I put him. I quickly pack my undergarments in my bag. I gently set down the necklace I was given after my parents died, on my bed, along with the only picture I have of them. They are my most prized possessions. I would never be able to forgive myself if anything ever happened to them.

I tap on Grayson's back and he turns back around. I sniffle and go back to packing. It doesn't take me long because of how little stuff I have. My bag is hardly even halfway full. I leave him there to go get my toothbrush and stuff from the bathroom. I use the bathroom because if they do, do what the man did to me then I'm not going to have a bathroom for a long time. I wash my hands and then my face to help with the puffiness of my cheeks and the redness. I tie my hair up into a bun to keep it out of my face. Settling for that, I grab my things and head back to my section of the room. My eyes widen when I see Grayson leaning against my bed frame with my necklace in hand. I rush over and snatch up my picture from beside him and he looks at me in shock. My eyes dart between him and the necklace, begging for him not to break it. My heart hammers in my chest, my lip quivering as I struggle not to cry. He gives it back to me immediately after seeing how I reacted. I let out a big sigh of relief and then put it in the safest pocket in my bag. I double check to make sure I have everything and then close my bag.

"Is that it?" Grayson ask shocked at how little of stuff I own. I nod and look down in shame. I sniffle as I try not to cry. I grab my book bag, and Grayson grabs my other bag.

He follows me back downstairs where we find Luke and Ms. Victoria waiting by the front door.

"She does have a sever peanut allergy. She can't touch it or else she will have an allergic reaction. She should have an Epipen with her. I know she has an inhaler for her asthma." Ms. Victoria explains to Luke. He nods in understanding.

His face lights up when he sees me. I look down sadly, wishing I could stay. I walk to them and stop just beside them. Grayson follows closely behind. I don't have a say in this. None of it is fair.

"Are you ready?" Luke ask. I give him a small nod and let a tear slip out. I look up to Ms. Victoria with pleading eyes. Silently begging her not to let them take me. She glares back at me with her angry evil stare. I look back to my feet to try and escape her deathly gaze.

"Thank you, Ms. Victoria. I appreciate all your help." Luke says to her. She scoffs at me and waves me off.
"Just get this brat out of my hair." She says. I cringe at her name for me and anger flashes across their faces.
"She isn't a brat, and if you ever lay a hand on her ever again, or any other child, then I will have you thrown in jail for the rest of your miserable life." Luke growls at her. She looks shocked that someone actually stood up to her, and slightly hurt by his words.
"Let's go." Luke says with anger laced in his voice. I'm too afraid to do anything other than what he says. He leads me and Grayson out of the orphanage and to his car parked in the driveway. Grayson gently sets my things in the trunk of the car. He opens the back door to me and I slide in. Luke gets in the front seat and Grayson gets in the passenger seat. Luke starts the car after buckling up. I take one last look at my former 'home' and let out a sigh. I fiddle with my fingers out of nervousness as Luke drives. They engage in small talk as we go. I don't listen, instead I look out the window at all the new places. I never go anywhere other than school and the orphanage. I never have a reason too, or time. Luke seems to have calmed down now. He is talking and laughing with Grayson.

We drive for a while until Luke pulls into a neighborhood. He drives through it for a few minutes and then turns into a driveway. There are only two houses here because it's in a turn about. They both get out the car, while I'm still looking around. Grayson opens my door and offers his hand to me. I take it trembling and climb out the vehicle.

"Bye, Evangeline. I'll see you later." Grayson says and pats my head softly I give him a small wave and watch as he walks to the house across from the one we parked at. Luke guides me to the door with my bags held in one hand.
"Welcome home." He says happily. He unlocks the door and pushes it open.

We step into what looks to be a living room. I look around at the place. It gives off a homey vibe. It's clean and organized other than the occasional stray object. There is a flatscreen tv hanging on the wall, surrounded by movies that sit on a built in shelf. There is a recliner, a big couch, a love seat, a coffee table, and smaller side tables next to the couches and recliner. There are pictures of people I've never seen before hanging on the walls. You can see into the dining room and part of the kitchen because most of it is blocked by a wall.

Suddenly, I hear something scratching the hardwood floor, getting closer quickly. A few seconds later, I see a large golden object come barreling around the corner towards me. I let out a scream and scramble into Luke's arms. I hold onto him tightly and bury my face into his chest.

"Please, don't let it hurt me." I squeak out
He chuckles at me and repositions me on his side. I hear a sniffing sound and the same scratching sound. I feel something touch my thighs and squeal. I try to move away, but don't get far.

"Down boy, sit." Luke says firmly, the touching feeling is gone after he says that. Something whines below me, followed by a swooshing sound.

"Relax, Evangeline, it's just my dog." Luke says calmly to me. I lift my face out of his chest and peer down to the ground. A big golden dog sits at out feet. Luke sits down my bags and holds his hand out to the large beast.
"Look, he doesn't bite." Luke claims. The dog pushes his nose into his hand and Luke begins to scratch his head. I squirm when the dog comes closer to me and pushes it face onto my leg.

"He just wants to sniff you." Luke says. He takes my hand in his and lets the dog smell my hand. I giggle from the feeling.
"It tickles." I laugh. Luke chuckles at me again.

Luke bends down so the dog is to our chest.
"Evangeline, this is Nugget. Nugget, this is Evangeline." Luke says introducing us to each other.
"Now Nugget, this is Evangeline's new home, so you have to make her feel welcome." He tells the dog.

The dog replies by letting out a small bark. He pushes his head back into our bodies. I loosen my grip on Luke and slide off his body slowly. I sit on the floor and let Nugget sniff me. I scratch him how Luke was and the dog starts going crazy. He prances around me, sniffing me and licking me. He pushes up against my small frame, making me go back. I squeal and giggle in delight.

"Okay, okay, leave her alone." Luke laughs
"Come get your food, Nugget." He says and places a bowl of dog food down by a water bowl. The dog runs to the bowl and starts gulping the food down.

I stand up and gasp at what I have done.
"I'm s-sorry." I whisper into the floor. Luke looks at me confusedly.
"Why?" He ask
"I spoke without permission, I won't do it again, I promise. P-Please don't punish me." I plead.
He comes over to me and lifts my head to look at him.
"Sweetheart, is that why you don't talk, because you think you have to have permission?" He ask
"M-Ms. Victoria says I'm not allowed to speak without her saying I can." I admit shamefully.
"Evangeline, you can talk any time you'd like. If you have something to say, then say it. You don't need permission to talk. Do you understand?" He ask concernedly
"Yes sir." I say feebly
He breaths a sigh of relief and laughs a bit.
"You don't have to call me sir." He says "Or Mr. Clark. I would actually prefer if you didn't, it makes me feel old." He says jokingly
"Do I look old to you?" He jokes
I giggle and shake my head no.
"Good, because I'm not. At least not yet." He laughs
"Come on, I'll show you around." He says smiling.

He takes my hand in his and starts walking. I lace our fingers together as we start.

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