Fifty Two- Instructions

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The inside is cozy and gives of a safe vibe. Sugar bombards me as soon as we step through the door. I pet her quickly and so does Sophie. She takes me to her bedroom bathroom, and grabs a book off her shelf. It's a medium sized book, but I can't see the cover.

"Okay, so how do I start this?" She ask herself, looking between the book, the product boxes, and me. She opens the box of pads and I take a seat on the edge of her bathtub. She pulls out the instructions and hands them to me and opens the pad to show me. She tells me how to put it on and then leaves the bathroom so I can do it. It takes me a few minutes because I was making sure I got it right, but I finally get it on. It feels weird, however it's better than the toilet paper. I squirm in my seat to try to get used to the unusual feeling.

"I feel like I'm wearing a diaper." I mumble to her. She giggles and sits back down on the closed toilet seat lid. "It'll take some getting used too, and so will these." She says holding up what I presume is a tampon. The hurting thing. Fear takes over my body and she sets it down to wrap me in a hug.

"I know all this can be scary, but everything is going to be okay." She says comfortingly "I promise nothing is going to hurt you. You don't have to use them until you are comfortable with them, but I just want to show you how." She says. I nod as she returns to her seat. She picks it up again and makes her other hand into a circle. She gives me a very detailed set of instructions and a presentation of how to use it with her hand. I read over the paper instructions and nod in understanding. She says I have to use these if I go swimming, and they work better than pads if I'm being active.

"Do you want to try?" She ask me. "There's nothing to be scared about, okay?"

I take a minute to process everything. She said it won't hurt, and I need to learn how to do it for in the future. I give a small nod and she smiles. She hands me another new one and gives me a hug. She kisses the top of my head and gives me a reassuring squeeze.
"I'll be on the other side of the door if you need me." She says
"Okay." I whisper

She gives me some privacy by going to the other side of the bathroom door. I move to the toilet and sit how she told me too. I sigh and unwrap the applicator.
"Relax sweetheart, it will be a lot easier if you try to relax." She says through the door.
I try to do as she says, but I'm still a nervous wreck.
I use the small mirror she gave me and try to use the product correctly.

"It doesn't feel right." I tell her
"It's okay, just take it out and try again. You aren't supposed to feel it once you get it in." She informs me
"W-Will taking it out hurt?" I ask fearfully
"It'll be a bit uncomfortable, but you'll get used to it the more you use them." She says truthfully "Take it slow and easy. Everything will be alright, Honey." She comforts me

'Okay, slow and easy just like she said.' I tell myself
I take it out and despise the feeling.

I try five more times and am almost in tears. It's starting to hurt to take them out and I don't know how much more I can take.

"I c-can't do it." I say letting a tear slip out.
"Yes you can sweetie. You can do it, I know you can. Don't be discouraged, it takes practice." She encourages me
"B-But its starting to hurt." I whimper
"Listen, try one more time and if you can't get it then we can take a break and try again after a few minutes to give your body a break, okay?" She suggest
"O-Okay." I whimper
"Make sure you have it in far enough this time." She tells me. I stay silent and prepare to try again. I make sure to do everything she told me to do and what the instructions said. I take a deep breath before taking out the applicator. This time, it feels different than the others. It feels right this time. Bliss takes over my body.

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