Fifty Six- Liar

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Evangeline starts to cry quietly again when we reach the clinic. Sophie manages to calm her down again and somehow get her out of the car while I unlock the front doors to the clinic. We walk hand-in-hand, and in furry trunk, as we enter the building. I lead them to the furthest examination room just in case Evangeline decides to run, then we have a better chance at catching her before she reaches the doors. I quickly pull up Evangeline's file on my computer and scan over it. Nothing has been updated since she was in the hospital as a kid.

She starts crying profusely when I walk back to her after washing my hands. Sophie sits beside her on the examination bed to help comfort her. I gently wipe away her tears with a tissue and hold her tiny hands in mine.

"Listen, do you remember what I told you the night I brought you home and were scared, huh?" I ask her
She nods stiffly which makes me smile.
"What did I say?" I ask to get her talking
"Y-You said you d-didn't bring me there to hurt me." She says barely above a whisper
I nod "That's right, and it's the same for here. I didn't bring you here to hurt you, Kitten." I say sincerely
She doesn't respond but looks down to her lap instead. She grips her Ellie's leg tightly in one hand and fiddles with the ear with the other.

I take off my stethoscope and she stays still. I guide her body so she is sitting up straight and start listening to her heart. It's beating a lot faster than it should be, but I know it's because of nerves, and I'm not going to be able to get it to slow down until this is over. Normally I would go ahead and take her blood pressure but I decide to wait until after I do everything else to keep her calm longer. She lets me check her eyes, ears, nose, and throat with only little hesitation since she already knows what is going to happen. She gladly gets off the examination table when I ask her to stand on the scale. I smile when I see she has gained weight. It's only five pounds, but it's still more than she used to weigh. I also find she has grown half an inch when I measure her for height.

(I have changed her previous height to 4 foot 7 and her weight to 80 pounds, and also fixed the dates, so now Gabriel got her when she was five not six. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

"Look Love bug, you're growing." I say showing her the new half inch. A tiny smile shows on her lips and I ruffle her hair to lighten the mood.
"We've still got to work on eating more, okay?" I say suggestively. She nods silently and avoids my gaze.
She reluctantly climbs back onto the table when I ask her too. She shrinks into herself as shakes her head no vigorously when I ask her to lay down.

"I only need to feel your tummy, and check the bruises." I say using little kid words to seem more comforting. Sophie hops down from the table and holds Evangeline's hand in hers. She finally lays down for me and I raise the hem of her shirt just enough so I can check her stomach. Only a small light purple spot remains on her side from that despicable Colin kid. I press on the four quadrants of her stomach while watching her face to show any signs of pain. She doesn't take her eyes off me the whole time and keeps a straight face. She bolts up into a sitting position when I say she can sit up again.  Now for one of the things I was dreading. Taking her blood pressure.

She fidgets uncomfortably in her seat as if she knows what's coming next. Then again, she probably is going through all the things I said I had to do here. It's the only thing left, other than what I didn't tell her about.

I grab the blood pressure cuff and tears start to drip down her face. I set it beside her and cup her face gently in my hands. I wipe away some of the dampness on her cheeks with a solemn look on my face.

"Kitten, you're doing so good, but I have to take your blood pressure now." I warn her "I know you don't like it, and I'm sorry. It's only for two minutes, then it's done. I promise when we go home we can do anything you want to do. Anything at all." I say trying to persuade her. Sophie holds her empty hand lightly in hers for comfort.
"I'll be right here the whole time, and you have Ellie." Sophie says helping me
Evangeline thankfully gives in with a bow of her head. I let out a sigh of relief and kiss her head quickly before wrapping the cuff around her arm. I pump up the cuff and she lets out a small whimper. Sophie tries to keep her calm by continuing to talk and praise her.

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