Fifty Five- Be Brave

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After around two hours of trying to get Evangeline ready I realize I can't do this, at least not alone. I contemplate calling Grayson, but he probably won't  make things any better with him being a dentist. Evangeline is in the middle of a mental break down and I'm on the verge of one myself.

Neither of us slept last night. I could hear her crying all night long. I'm pretty sure she had a panic attack somewhere around one in the morning, so I know she is most likely both mentally and physically drained.

"Things getting any better?" Grayson text me
"No." I send back
"I want to help but I don't think she's going to like me being there too." He sends
"I know but I don't know what else to do. She won't let me get anywhere near her." I text back

The three dots showing he is typing as disappear twice before his next text comes through.

"What about Sophie?" He sends

I think about it and text back a quick thank you. I dial Sophie's number, praying that she picks up.
I hear the click of the lines being connected and my spirits leap dramatically.

"Hello?" She says groggily like she is just waking up. I probably woke her up it's Eight in the morning on a Saturday, no one except us is awake. I smile when I hear her voice. I can picture her sleepy face and her big green eyes filled with tiredness.

"Hey Sophie, sorry if I woke you up, but are you free today?" I ask frantically after snapping out of my daydream
"Yeah, is everything okay?" She ask with a bit of worry in her voice
"Not really. Evangeline and I could really use your help right now." I say hurriedly
"What? I-I'm coming. I'll be over in a few minutes." She says urgently
I hear the sound of what I'm guessing is sheets rustling and the sound of draws being opened.
"Are you alright? Is she hurt? Are you hurt?" She ask as I hear various sounds of her getting ready.
"We aren't hurt. I'll explain when you get here." I say letting out a breath of air.
"Okay. I'm leaving now." She says and I hear the jingle of keys.

We say goodbye and hang up. A few minutes later she pulls into the driveway and sprints to the door. I open it just as she is about to knock.

"Whoa, you look like shit." She says, surprised by my appearance when she see me. Dark circles have formed under my eyes from it sleeping, and my hair is a mess from where I've run my fingers through it so many times.
"Yeah, I feel like it too." I say quickly while letting her in
"Sorry, I just woke up. My brain isn't fully working yet." She apologizes when she realizes how blunt she was
"It's fine, neither of us have slept at all since yesterday." I say tiredly
"Why, what happened?" She ask
"I need to give Evangeline a physical, and I've told her what I'm going to do, except I left out the part about the end." I say cautiously in case Evangeline can hear us. "Evangeline's freaking out. I've tried everything, but she won't let me get anywhere near her. I just need you to calm her down." I explain desperately
"Like on the video?" Sophie ask concernedly
I nod "Worse, and it's been going on all night. She's had a panic attack at some point in the night, two mental break downs this morning, and an anxiety attack." I explain. Her face fills with sadness and pity from my words
"What is going to happen once she calms down?" Sophie ask
"Uhh, I try to get her in the car, which is probably going to be a problem too. Once I get her in the car then I can handle it, but I've been trying for two hours to get her ready. It's not going very well." I say running my fingers through my hair
"Maybe I can help with her at the clinic too?" She suggest
"I don't think you want to see that." I say
"Luke, I want to help. Please, I can try to keep her calm." She argues

I huff knowing she's right. Sophie could help me a lot with this, but I still don't want her to see Evangeline so afraid of me. I don't know if she's strong enough to handle it.

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