Forty One- Shirt

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She takes my hand in hers and skips downstairs as I struggle to keep up. She takes me back downstairs to the kitchen where Luke is cooking. Amazing aromas waft from the stove and make my mouth water. Evangeline runs to Luke and wraps her small arms around his waist. "Daddy." She giggles. He chuckles and hugs her back.
"Careful, dont burn yourself." He says and guides her away from the stove a little ways.

"Can we help?" She ask him
"Here, you can stir it." He says and hands her the wooden spoon to her to stir the sauce in the pan.
My heart dissolves when I realize he's cooking pasta. Spaghetti is a lot of calories. To many calories for me, but I've already agreed to stay.

'Damnit!' I scream in my head
Luke turns to me with a smile which brings one to my face. It doesn't last long when I remember all the calories I'm going to consume tonight.
'Maybe if I eat only a small portion then I can work harder during my workout. I go around the neighborhood twice instead of once to burn away the retched fat creators.' I argue with myself
"Everything alright?" Luke ask me for the second time today. I must have been making a bad face or dazed out or something because he noticed.
"Oh, yeah." I say snapping out of my daze.
"You sure?" He ask
"I'm fine." I try to say confidently, only to have my voice crack.

He looks at me puzzled but turns back to Evangeline and the sauce. She stirs away happily and I watch from the counter as the two cook together. Luke picks up a pot of hot noodles and goes to the sink. I see the strainer sitting on the counter and rush it over to him. I sit it in the sink and he says a quick thank you.
"Where's your bathroom?" I ask wanting to get away from the antagonizing food.
"Down the hall to the left." Evangeline tells me. I say a thank you and head to the bathroom. I fix my hair, take a few deep breaths, and wash my hands. When I come back out Evangeline is setting the table with silverware and Luke is fixing our plates. My stomach twist when I see all the food on the plates. I notice that one has a considerably less amount and instantly wish it was my plate, however I know it's Evangeline's.

Each plate has a serving of pasta and a bread stick. Also known as a carb lovers dream. Not mine. I hate carbs, so this is a nightmare from hell for me.

"Go wash up." He tells Evangeline who scurries off to wash her hands.
"She's so adorable." I chuckle.
"Yeah." He grins at me. I help him bring the plates to the table and glare at the awesome smelling food.
"What's wrong?" Luke ask me
"Nothing." I say trying to play it off
"Sophie, I know something is wrong. What is it?" He pushes
I sigh lightly and look to my plate of food. I have to lie to him. I don't have another choice

"It's just that I don't usually eat this much." I tell him. He looks at me strangely and back down to the food.
"Really? This is what you should be eating. I only make Evangeline's smaller because she literally can't eat more than that." He says with a worried expression. Evangeline comes back which answers my prayers. I want to get off this topic as soon as possible and this is my solution.
"Did I interrupt something?" She ask
"Nope, ready to eat?" I say to cut off Luke.
He shoots me a small glare before changing back to a happy face so Evangeline doesn't see it.
"Yeah, I'm starving." She says and sits down. Luke takes a seat and I sit in the only other spot. They begin to eat and I slowly join. I take only a few pieces at a time and make myself eat slowly. It taste great. This is the first thing that I have eaten ever since they gave me the sandwich that wasn't a salad. I have forced myself to eat some type of salad for every meal. For breakfast, a fruit salad sometimes with yogurt. For lunch, a salad with shredded ham or turkey, occasionally grilled chicken or a fish. Same thing for dinner.

I'm tired of salad to say the least.

I mentally count the calories that I'm going to have to work off tomorrow and grimace. The noodles are around 221 calories and the meat sauce is around 421. Together they are 642 calories, but if I only eat half then it will be 321 calories. The cheesy bread is most likely some where around 140 calories, but that can also be cut in half to 70. In total, I could either eat 782 calories or 391. Needless to say, I don't like exercise either. Then again, I don't like being fat either. But darn this taste good.

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