Seven - Comfort

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Luke and Grayson take my hands in theirs and help me up slowly. Grayson grabs my bag for me while Luke gently pulls on my hand to get me going. Grayson leads the way, and my heart starts racing as we near the door. I have to force my legs to go forward because they feel like thousand pound weights. Grayson steps in front of me to open the door, and Luke gets behind me so I can't run. Tears start streaming slowly down my face and my hands shake from fear.

Grayson opens the door, and Luke leads me through. I can't bear to look up. I know what's in front of me, but it feels like if I look then it makes this real. A cool gust of air greets us when we go through the doorway. I'm only able to take two steps before my feet refuse to work. I freeze in my spot, so Luke tries to give me a little nudge to keep me going. I look up a tiny bit, just enough to see how far I am from the chair. Panic arises in me when I realize I'm a lot closer than I thought. The horrid chair and tools are only a few feet away.

I let out a small yelp and spin around, smashing into Luke's body. I shut my eyes tightly and start sobbing again. He bends down to my level, and pulls me into a hug. I push against him to try to get away, before eventually accepting the comforting gesture. My body shakes as he rubs circles on the top of my back. Luke tells me repeatedly that it's going to be okay as Grayson goes to sit down.

I shake my head no as memories fly through my mind. So much pain. Not being able to move. The beatings. The yelling. The screaming. I can feel myself becoming overwhelmed. Everything is becoming too much for me to handle.

Luke takes advantage of me being distracted and guides me onto the chair. I hold onto his hand tightly, internally begging him not to leave me here. Part of me doesn't want him here, but the other part of me just wants a friendly person to help me get through this. Luke could hurt me just as much as Grayson, but something about how gentle he is makes me think differently. Deep down, I know I'm only making it easier for them. Lukes blue eyes watch me, taking notice of everything I do, and trying to prevent me from running. Grayson walks to the chair and sits down. I grasp Lukes hand tighter in mine, as my tears fall onto my shirt. It isn't hard to tell that Luke and Grayson are strong. Their scrubs are tight over their torsos, showing how powerful they are. Either of them could easily overpower me and strap me to the chair.

When I finally begin to calm down, I look around. The bright lights only accentuate how white and clean the room is. The smell of disinfectant stings my nose. Luke sits on a rolling chair next to me, and I refuse to let him go; my grip restricts more every time Grayson moves closer. There is a tray of tools beside him, and I hold back my urge to scramble away. Luke squeezes my hand lightly, silently reassuring me that I am going to be fine.

"Hey, it's alright, just try to stay calm. We aren't using them right now." Grayson says trying to stop me. My eyes dart to the drill, the worst of them all, and I bury my face into my free hand. Grayson realizes that I'm getting worked up again, so he tries to stop it early.
"Let's just talk for right now, okay?" Grayson says tenderly, knowing that if he uses any sort of authority that I'm going to freak out.
"We won't use it unless we have too." Luke says, trying to be supportive of both of us. I shake my head no and he sighs.
"Let's talk," Grayson says, "I just want to ask you a few questions first."

'What is with this guy and questions? Oh well, as long as it keeps him from doing his dentist stuff, I guess it's fine.' I think to myself.

I nod and watch a small smile spread across his face. I sit up, wanting to be more alert and aware of what's going on. I fumble with my fingers nervously as I look around, and Luke rubs circles on my hand with his thumb comfortingly.

Grayson looks over my form and chuckles.
"Your suggestion isn't very helpful." He says sarcastically. Grayson let's Luke read what I had previously wrote, Luke shakes his head with a small, disapproving smile. My lips purse together in annoyance. They had wanted a tip, and they got one. I've been fine for this long, so it's been working just fine.

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