Forty Four- Corn Dog

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I take in my surrounding and find a sign that says petting zoo. I point to it right away  
"There! The petting zoo." I say hurriedly
"Okay." They all agree and we head to the barn filled with animals.

It's full of pens with multiple kinds of animals. We are first met with goats. They are adorably jumping around the pen and making their goat sounds. They press their body's against the fences so people can pet them when we walk by. I giggle and gently lets ones back.

"It's so soft!" I say happily
They reach down and pet them with me which in return gets us a lot of happy goat screams. Their screams make me and them laugh.
"Meeeaaahh." I say trying to mimic one and everyone burst out laughing because of how accurate it is. The goat even does it back to me. I stand there and 'talk' to the goat while petting it, earning me a lot of laughs from them.

We walk down through the barn and pet almost all the animals. There are a lot of farm animals including horses, pigs, sheep, chickens- we didn't pet those- ducks and a lot of baby animals. The last ones we get to are the cows. I stop to gaze at the big creature and hold my hand out to a bright red one. I shoves its nose into my hand which makes me giggle. They all start to pet the others and Grayson's is particularly friendly. It pushes its head over the fence and nudges Grayson with it when he stops petting it. Just as I look to him, it drags its long tongue across his cheek and horror spreads across his face.

"It licked me! It licked me! It freaking licked me!" He screeches while furiously rubbing his cheek with his sleeve to get the slobber off.
"I think that's the only girl who has ever made the first move on you." Luke says jokingly
"Haha very funny." Gray says back annoyedly
We laugh and head out of the petting zoo.

"Want to ride a ride?" Grayson ask me
"Yay!" I say

We go to the closest ride which is a mini roller coaster that looks like the caterpillar from Alice in the wonderland. Luke and I watched that movie, but I wasn't a big fan of it. The mad hatter scared me. He's creepy.

We climb into the cars when the guy running the ride lets us. Luke and I get into one car with Sophie and Grayson in the one behind us. The guy starts the ride and it takes off. It climbs a hill and soars down it into a turn and up and down another hill, rounding another turn again.
"Weeeee." I squeal with my hands up as we continue on the ride. When it finishes I am laughing because it's so fun. We exit the ride and Gray looks not so good.

"Grilled cheeses and roller coasters don't mix." He groans, clutching his stomach as we walk away from the ride. I chuckle at him and so does Luke and Sophie.

"Are you having fun?" Sophie ask me
"A lot." I say skipping beside her
"What now?" She ask
"More rides?" I plead and look to daddy and Gray.
They nod and we head off to more rides. We decide to save the Ferris wheel for later. We ride all the rides, some of them twice.

We decide to play some of the games and stop at a dart throwing game first. Grayson pays and splits the darts with me. I get two he gets two. He throws and pops two balloons with his while I hit neither.

"I guess darts aren't my thing ." I chuckle
"Okay little lady, you got two, so you get a prize." The man says who is running the game.
"Pick one." Grayson says to me I smile and point to the panda hanging on the hook. The man gets it down for me and I hug it to my chest.
"Thank you." I say to both the man and Grayson.
We go to the next game which is a ball throwing game. You have to knock down the stacked bottles with the balls. The catch is, the ball is a whiffle ball, meaning the holes in the light weight ball direct wind through it and it takes a lot of force to go straight, much less knocking something down.
All of us play this game which results in us taking up all the spots. Sophie gets hers knocked down on her first try.
"I played softball for my middle and high school." She explains to me when I look to her in shock. Luke and Gray get theirs knocked down next and it's down to me. I throw as hard as I can and knock down all my bottles.
"Yay!" I cheer and get high fives from them
The girl running the game congratulates me and lets us all pick a prize since all of us knocked down our bottles. Grayson picks a purple teddy bear, Luke picks a green turtle, Sophie picks a pink gorilla, and I pick a white and blue owl. They all turn to me after picking them and hand them to me. I squeal and bounce up and down happily as they stuff the toys in my arms.
"Thank you." I tell them
"They're so fluffy I'm gonna die!" I say and reenact the scene from Despicable Me where Agnes shakes the unicorn, making them all laugh, including the girl running the game. I spot another game a little ways down and struggle to point it out to them. We play all but two of the games and by then I'm loaded down with stuffies from them winning them for me.

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