Eleven- Tour

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Just as we start walking, my heart starts racing. Last time I wash shown around a house I was taken directly to a basement and tortured.

"W-Wait." I squeak out and stop in my tracks.
Luke stops and turns to me.
"D-Do you have a basement?" I ask tears welling up in my eyes.
He gets down on my level, the short level, and takes my other hand in his.
"Evangeline, I did not bring you here to hurt you. Yes, I have a basement, but all that's in it is a bunch of boxes. I use it for storage, nothing else." He says firmly but sincerely. I nod in understanding.
"Grayson doesn't have one. Neither of us want to hurt you." He says.

I want to believe him, but I can't trust him just yet. He could be just putting on an act. It wouldn't be the first time I've been lied to. I've been lied to all my life, it's one of the reasons why I don't trust anyone except for myself. He stands back up and starts walking again.

"Clearly this is the kitchen, and that's the living room." He says and motions to the rooms. I look around to the big house.

The walls are cream colored, but the room seems lively from all the colors in the room. The counters are all granite and the cabinets are wooden. There is an island in the middle of the kitchen which has a bowl of fruit on it and a hand towel on top. A few dishes are laid in the deep sink, unwashed. Some of the cabinets have glass on the front, allowing you to see the inside contents. A dog bed lays under the tv in front of the fireplace in the living room with a toy rope and a stuffed animal duck. Nugget eats his food in the corner of the kitchen and drinks sloppily from the water bowl.

Luke leads me down a short hallway and to an open door. A desk with papers scattered across it sits in the corner. Big bookshelves line the walls with seemingly medical books. Some type of certificates are framed and hung up on the wall, along with a few graduation hats.
"This is my office." He says. I nod in understanding.

'I doubt I will be coming in here a lot.' I think to myself.
He grabs a piece of paper off his desk and then comes back to me. He leads me back down the hallway as he points to a door saying that it's a bathroom. He says another door leads to the basement.
'I will definitely not be going down there.' I think

He takes me up a flight of stairs. Luke points to a door and says it's a closet. He takes me to another open door which seems to be a bedroom. A few articles of clothing are folded neatly on the dresser. The bed is not made, causing the comforter to be tangled with the sheets. He sets his bag in the chair that's against a wall and turns back to me. There is a door in his room, which I'm guessing is to his own bathroom. There is another which might be a closet too.

"This is my room, sorry it's kind of messy." He says
I don't say anything back but keep looking around.
He takes me back to the hallway and starts pointing to more doors. His house is very big. The rooms are huge, just like the rest of the house.

"That's another bathroom. That's a guest bedroom, and that is too. That's just a closet with towels and stuff." He says pointing to the different doors.

A big smile comes across his face as he leads me to the final door. He stops and grins at me before opening the door. "I think you'll like this." He says excitedly

The room is huge. Just as big as Luke's. It's beautiful. The walls are a light purple except for one. It's black, with a big bay window splitting the black wall. A tray of what looks to be chalks, is hung up next to the window. Wicker baskets are pushed into a built in storage area under the bay window. There is a big blue cushion in the seat of the window, so it's more comfortable. A few throw pillows are resting against the sides of the window. All different sizes, patterns, and fabrics. My favorite is a soft blue colored one, with an elephant on the front. Some are plain colors while others have designs. Many of them have fur like fabrics on them to make them soft. One has a dream catcher on it with feathers and arrows while another is decorated with music staffs with notes on it. The window overlooks a huge backyard. It has a pool and a hammock outside with a fire pit that has chairs surrounding it. There is a shed of some sort in the back corner. In the opposite back corner there looks to be a small garden with plants growing in it. The pool has a slide and a diving board with it.

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