Forty Nine- Secrets

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I can't take it anymore. Seeing her so vulnerable is making my emotions go out of control. Tears brim my eyes and I get up from the bed. I head to the hallway bathroom and brace myself against the sink. I let out an ugly sob as memories rack my mind. I cover my mouth to stiffer the sound of my crying.


"I'm home!" He calls as he comes in the door. He's in a bad mood today for some reason.
"Hi, honey." I say to him smiling. I carry his tray filled with his dinner to him as he slouched down in his recliner. I set it on the coffee table in front of him like usual. He throws his jacket to me and I scramble to not drop it. I hang it on the coat hanger by the door. He sets the tray on his lap and goes to start eating he cuts off the end piece of his steak and puts it in his mouth. He spits it back out immediately which I know is a very bad sign.

"What is this?" He yells at me
"I-It's steak and mashed potatoes. Y-Your favorite. I thought you m-might like it because it's our special day." I stutter to him
"It's horrible. Can't you do anything right?" He bellows at me. He chucks the tray off his lap and it clatters to the floor. Smearing mashed potatoes and steak juice all over the carpet. I had spent all afternoon trying to get it right. It looked perfect to me, and the mashed potatoes tasted great.
"I'm sorry." I whimper in fear and he takes long heavy steps to me
He throws a hard punch to my right eye making me cry out and stagger backwards, clutching my face in my hand. He punches me again only this time in the stomach which makes me fall to the ground. He delivers kicks to my body multiple times as he tells me how much of an fat, useless woman I am, and how I can't do anything right. I let out small screams with each hit until he finally stops. I say I'm sorry over and over again in hopes to not make it any worse.
"No one will ever love you, so don't ever think of leaving me. I'm the only one who can put up with your bullshit." He growls at me
"I'm s-sorry, I'll do better, I p-promise." I sob into the floor
"Clean this up, and make me something actually edible you fat whore." He orders me
"And eat your fucking salad. You're fat enough already. Actually, don't eat anything at all. We can't have you gaining any weight or else you won't be able to fit into your clothes." He says giving my one final slap to the face. My clothes were loose on me, so I don't know why he would say that. I'm starving, but I know better than to go against his word. He's right. He's always right. I'm just a fat, ugly, useless, and unlovable person. Josh is the only one who is ever going to love me. He isn't always like this. Sometimes he is tells me he loves me and we cuddle. He even brings me flowers sometimes.

I clean up the mess and make him a sandwich since I know he wants something immediately. I bring it to him and he shoos me away. He yells for me to come back when he is done and makes me take his plate. I clean up dinner and sit down on the couch. I feel a sharp tug on my hair and I'm drug to our room. He rips off all my clothes before I can even start to process what's happening. He somehow has tied my hands to the bed so I can't stop him from doing anything. I look around flightendly to see a whole bottle of Jack Daniels empty on our nightstand. I can smell the alcohol coming off him and realize he's drunk. It's not uncommon that he is though, but this is a first. He gags me with a tie after I beg him to stop. I scream through the gag as he hurts me. He's never been this rough and insensitive before. Not like he ever was gentle or  sensitive, but never this bad.

When he is through having his way with me, he unties me and takes out the gag. My numb arms fall painfully to my side.
"Get out." He tells me
I try to move off the bed but pain flairs through my body. I look down to see blood between my legs, but he doesn't seem to care. I force myself to stand, only to fall to the ground in tears because of the pain.
"Josh, I c-can't walk."I cry softly
"Then crawl." He orders me

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