Fifty Four- Tools

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Six days. Six long, horrible, excruciating days is how long my visit from Mother Nature lasted. However it is a glorious moment when you realize the reign of terror has finally ended. Thankfully, it didn't last over another weekend. However, I did have more breakdowns over the course of those six days. Half of the time Luke didn't know what to do, so he just cautiously slid me a bag of gummy bears, and tried not to do anything that might make me upset. Which for some reason, happened to be a lot of things. Once, I started crying because I was killing gummy bears while continuing to eat them because they are so good. I was very conflicted at the time.

Luke had cooked hot dogs for dinner and we had ice cream afterwards like usual. He's doing something in his office while I'm in my room drawing in my sketchbook. I hear him coming up the stairs and soon a knock on my door. Luke comes in with his happy grin like always when I tell him to. He sets his bag that he takes for work on my bed, which immediately grabs my attention away from my art.

"How's my favorite daughter doing?" He ask jokingly
"I'm your only daughter." I say sarcastically
He chuckles at me "But you're still my favorite." He says, booping my nose lightly making me giggle.
He wraps me in a cozy hug and I gladly accept the warmth radiating off his body.

"I want to show you something." Luke says when we pull apart.
"O-Okay." I mumble meekly as my attention is drawn back to the bag.
"There's nothing to be scared of." He says when he hears my stutter

He pulls out five tools from his bag. I recognize one as a small flashlight and another as a stethoscope. He lays then in a line on my bed, while I pull my knees to my chest with my arms wrapped around them for protection. I feel my heart rate start to pick up and try to not freak out.

"This is an ophthalmoscope and an otoscope. They help to see in your eyes and ears." He says pointing to two black tools that look the scariest.
"This is a stethoscope and it lets me listen to your heart." He says as he points out the tool that I already know.
"This is just a regular flashlight." He says picking up the small white object to show it to me.
There is also a cuff of some kind with a tube and a pump of some sort attached to it, along with a meter of some sort.

'Is he going to tie me down with that? Are their more for him to use?' I think fearfully.

"This is a blood pressure cuff which tells me your blood pressure. It goes around your arm right here," He says starting to explain, and tries to touch the middle of my upper arm, but I pull away from his hand.
"All it does is give your arm a little squeeze for a few seconds and then it's over." He says with a sad expression. He goes to my chair by my bookshelf to sit down.

"Hold them, play with them, do whatever, but try not to break them." He says while picking up a book off the shelf.
"They won't hurt you." He say, almost as if he can read my thoughts. He opens the book pretending to read, but I know he is only using it as a cover to watch me.

I sit there staring at the tools for a few minutes, unsure if I want to give in to his wishes or continue to be stubborn.

'Luke isn't controlling them, so they can't hurt me. In in control. Objects don't hurt people. People hurt people.' I say to myself

I reach out and poke the otoscope thingy. When nothing happens, I do it again. I try relax a bit and force myself to pick it up. It's cool to the touch and has a weight to it. I press the only button on it which makes a light starts to shine. I drop it instantly from shock and snatch my giant unicorn close to my body so I can hide behind it.

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