Forty Eight- Bruises

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Evangeline sprints to her room and locks the door. Luke storms after her with rage in his eyes. I chase after them to try and keep him from scaring her more. He pounds on the door and yells at her to open it. The fear in her eyes when she realized we saw the bruises broke my heart. It shattered, crumbled, disintegrated, what ever you want to call it, it's gone. Took all my heart heart away.

I can hear her sobbing through the door and saying something over and over again. I make it out as 'You weren't supposed to know.' Which kills me on the inside even more.
I stand behind Luke shaking from fear as I try to decide if I want to bother him or not. I make up my mind that him being mad at her and scaring her more is to much for her to handle and I can take what he gives, she can't. I don't give a rats ass if he hits me, yells at me, screams at me, chokes me, whatever. Her being alright is more important than anything to me. I've been through it once I can go through it again.

I go up to him and set my shaking hand on his arm. He shakes me off and goes back to pounding on the door.
"Luke." I say quietly
"Open this damn door!" He bellows
"Luke, please." I say more confidently
"This isn't helping. You are only scaring her more. Please, let me handle this, please." I beg, stepping between him and the door to block his path. I set my trembling hands on his heaving chest and beg him with my eyes. His face softens as he looks at me and he lets out a deep and angry breath. He storms away to across the hall and he punches the wall forcefully causing me to jump. I knock softly on the door so I don't scare her more.

"Evangeline, it's Sophie. Can I come in please?" I ask
"N-No." she sobs
"Sweetheart, I know you're scared, but I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Please, can I come in?" I beg
"N-No." she says again
"Honey, I know what you're thinking. You don't think I do, but I do." I tell her through the door
"No you don't." She protest

I rest my head on the door and place one hand beside my head with the other on the doorknob.
"Yes I do, sweetheart. I know a lot more about this than you think." I say truthfully
"Y-You're scared. You think that if you tell someone then the people who care about you will get angry at you. We aren't angry at you sweetie. You're thinking that it's okay! Because you are the only one getting hurt, but it's not. You feel like you are protecting people because instead of them hurting someone else they are hurting you. You don't want other people getting hurt too, but letting yourself be hurt by someone isn't okay. This isn't okay, Evangeline." I say into the door, trying to hold back my emotions as bad memories flow through my mind.
"You're scared because you are thinking if you tell someone then the person who is doing this to you is going to get in trouble, a-and they are going to get really mad at you and hurt you worse than they ever have. Honey, I promise with everything I have if you tell me that no one will ever hurt you again." I say my voice cracks as I talk, but I manage to keep myself from crying. I can feel Luke's eyes on me from behind, but I can't look at him.
"Please." I whisper "I don't want you to go through what I did." I whimper. A tear rolls down my cheek and falls to the floor.
"I just want to talk, sweetheart." I say desperately

I hear a few small sniffles and the shuffling of feet. I can sense her on the other side of the door and picture her small shivering body right across from mine.
"Only talk?" She ask
"Yes! Yes, sweetheart I only want to talk." I say getting more excited because she might let me in.
"Just you?" She ask. I look to Luke who shoots me an angry glare. He wants to be in there, but it's only going to make her scared because of how upset he is.
I close my eyes and turn back to the door.
"Yes honey, just me." I say reluctantly. Luke is going to be pissed with me, but I can take it. Her trusting me is more important than my safety. I don't know if Luke would ever hit me, but it's a risk I have to take.

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