Sixty Eight-Inventations

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Penelope and I talk and goof around any time Sophie gives us free time during class. I excitedly tell Luke about Penelope during lunch on Monday. Sophie, Grayson, and Luke had all listened intently as I ramble endlessly over my new friend.

The rest of the week goes by quickly. As Luke and I walk through the front door my phone dings from a text.

"Hey, want to have a sleepover at my house this weekend?" Penelope ask

My heat fills with excitement, and I let out a squeak of happiness.

"Can I go to a sleepover at Penelope's house this weekend?" I ask immediately.
"I would like to meet her parents first before you go." Luke says
"But the weekend is tomorrow." I say less excitedly
Luke sighs, "Evangeline, I'm not letting you go to someone's house without meeting them first." He says slowly

My smile falls, and Luke looks at me in pity.

"Do you have her parents phone number?" Luke ask
"No, but I can get it." I mumble, still trying to cling to the little hope that I might be able to go.

I quickly text Penelope the situation, and she gives me one of her moms phone numbers, which I then give to Luke. I go upstairs to put my things away while he calls them. I then grab Nugget's ball and take him outside to play because I know if I stay I will eavesdrop, and that's rude. After a few minutes Luke comes into the backyard with a happy smile.

"They are coming over for dinner tonight." He announces happily to me.
I gasp and jump ecstatically in my spot, causing Luke to chuckle at me. "We have to go to the store for ingredients, so come on." He tells me. I nod and bring Nugget inside quickly.

We drive to the store after feeding Nugget. I skip down the isles alongside Luke as he grabs items off different shelves. I shiver as we walk beside the refrigerated isles, deeply wishing to get away from the cold air.

"What if they don't like me?" I ask worriedly
Luke shakes his head and picks up a pack of meat before setting it in our little, handheld basket he is carrying. "There isn't anything not to like about you."

Luke continues looking for the ingredients he needs as we roam the isles. I walk a ways ahead of him to the next isle to see Sophie standing at the end of it.

"Sophie!" I squeal as I run to her.

Just as my arms wrap around her waist, I feel her tense up. I see someone standing in front of her from the corner of my eye. I pull away and turn to the figure to see another Sophie. My eyes go wide in horror as I look between the two of them. Sophie number one looks down to me confusedly. Sophie number two, the one I had failed to notice before, goes to speak but I run away quickly.

"Luke!" I yell worriedly as I run.

I sprint around the corner and almost collide with Luke. Concern is plastered across his face as I struggle to form words.

"There are two Sophie's." I finally spit out.
Luke scoffs in confusion, so I grab his hand and begin to harshly tug him around the corner.

"What do you mean there are two Sophie's?" Luke ask confusedly, making me huff.
"I came down the isle and saw Sophie so I went to hug her, but then I turned and there were two of her!" I say exasperatedly

I drag him down the short isle to the lady who may or may not be Sophie, while trying to explain the whole way there. Annoyance grows in me because he doesn't understand. The lady stands looking back at the shelf when we reach her. She turns to us with a smile and tries to hold back her amusement.

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