Forty Three- Precaution

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Luke and I spend all morning playing with nugget. We also draw on my chalk wall for a while. It's fun and it gets even more fun when Grayson comes over after lunch. We draw a picture of a watering hole with a lot of animals around it. I draw a family of elephants while Luke draws a crocodile. Grayson attempts to draw a tiger, but it looks more like a deranged dodo bird with stripes. He attacks me with tickles when I tell him this which makes all of us laugh. The doorbell rings and I race downstairs. I open the door to see Sophie standing there.

"Sophie, you came!" I say excitedly and wrap her in a hug.
"Of course I came." She chuckles as she hugs me back
"Do you want to draw with us?" I ask
"Sure." She says
I pull her through the house and to my room where Luke and Gray are still drawing. They turn to us with smiles and set down the chalk.

"Hey." Grayson says
"Hey, Sophie, you made it." Luke says
"Hi, you did say five right?" She says worriedly
"Yeah, I didn't realize it was five already." He says checking his watch.
"Look what we drew." I tell her and show her my child wall.
"It looks good, but what is that?" She ask pointing to Grayson's tiger.
I giggle and Grayson looks embarrassed
"It's his tiger." I say pointing to Grayson.
Sophie giggles to herself from how funny the horribly drawn tiger is.
"I can't draw, okay." He admits
"Trust me, we know." Luke chuckles
"Shut up, you arse." Grayson tells Luke jokingly. I throw a pillow at him and it hits his arm.
"Nice words." I tell him.
"You throw like a girl." He says
"I am a girl." I say back
He rolls his eyes and gently tosses the pillow back at me. Sophie and Luke laugh at us and I set the pillow back on my bed. I pick up the chalk again and continue on my elephants.

"I'm going to start dinner, Kitten." Luke says
"Okay." I say and keep drawing
Luke and Gray go downstairs but Sophie stays here with me. I hand her a piece a chalk and she starts drawing what looks to be a zebra. When I finish my elephants I start on a flamingo.

"Are you excited?" Sophie ask me
"Yeah, I've never been to the fair, but it sounds so fun." I say happily
"What are you going to wear?" She ask
I gasp, I hadn't even thought about that.
"I don't know." I say shocked
"Well, lets figure that out." She says happily

I rush to my closet and begin sorting through my clothes. Sophie stops me at a burgundy floral blouse that I really like and holds it up to me.

"I like this one." She says
"Me too." I smile "Ooh, I know what would go great with this!" I say and rush to my dresser. I dig through my clothes until I find a pair of ripped high waisted shorts.
"With these?" I ask. She smiles at my choice and holds up a pair of my converses
"With these?" She suggest, I nod and run to take the clothes from her.

I rush to the bathroom and change quickly. She is shocked when I come out after only a few minutes with the clothes on.

"It looks great." She says "Now, what about your hair?" She ask. My smile widens and I pull my hair from my ponytail. I shake out my wavy brown locks and pull my desk chair to in front of my dresser mirror to see. I plop down on the chair and smile. She comes up behind me and I hand her my brush. She gently detangles my hair and sets down the brush. She flips my hair over my face and laughs.
"What about this?" She says
"No." I giggle
She gathers my hair and puts it on the side of my head.
"This?" She says jokingly
"Noo." I giggle again
"Okay, okay." She says and smoothes out my hair.

She begins to braid my hair into a fishtail. I wait patiently as she expertly styles my hair. I apply some mascara and lip gloss while I wait. She finishes and tosses it around my shoulder. I smile and do a little happy dance in my seat.

"I like it." I tell her
"Your turn." I say. I shoot from the chair and maneuver her into the seat. She laughs and I brush through her hair. I stand back and tap my chin as I thinks about what to do to her hair. I begin a French braid and finish within minutes.
"Do you like it?" I ask
"I love it." She says and brushes a baby hair around her ear.

"I want to look like you when I grow up." I say
A small smile comes across her face "Thank you sweetie m, but you are beautiful just the way you are." She says shush makes me smile too.

"Sophie, Evangeline, dinners ready!" Luke yells from downstairs
"Lets go show daddy!" I say. I grab her hand and haul her downstairs to the kitchen.
"Look, Sophie helped me get ready." I say excitedly to Luke
"You look beautiful, both of you." He says and turn to Sophie. She blushes and hides her face by looking down to the floor.

"Thank you," I say and wash my hands at the sink. I skip to my seat at the table after drying my hands. Luke sets down a plate of grilled cheeses like I wanted in the middle of the table. I set one onto my plate and wait for everyone else to get one. I take a bite into the delicious sandwich, and force myself to eat like a civilized person; not an animal. I notice Sophie is kind of hesitant to eat it like she was the other night with the spaghetti. I though she just didn't like it and didn't want to hurt Luke's feelings, but now I understand that she just really cares about her body image. That's why she eats salads at lunch all the time. She eats it anyways so I keep eating too. I finish my sandwich, down my lemonade, and wait agonizingly patient for everyone to finish. Luke and Grayson eat two while Sophie and I only eat one.
"Evangeline, where is your EpiPen?" Luke ask me
Fear spreads across my face from the thought of having to use it.
"Why?" I ask
"Just a precautionary measure, as long as you don't touch any peanuts, then we won't have to use it." He says
"In the cabinet." I say sadly. He grabs it from the kitchen cabinet for me. Thinking about having to use it scares me because it's a needle. Needles hurt. A lot. 
"Hey, cheer up. We're gonna have fun." He says and tickles my stomach to make me happy again. He stuffs it into a bag that he says is to help carry stuff like their keys.

"Ready to go?" Grayson ask me
"Yes, now lets go!" I exclaim urgently
They all laugh at how excited I am and climb in the car. Sophie and I climb into the backseat, even though Grayson offers her the front seat, she declines. Sophie and I sing and dance goofily to the music as we drive. We arrive shortly after and can hear the joyful screams of the people on the rides and the occasional winning buzzer or ting of something hitting metal.

"Wait up, Kitten." Luke calls out to me ask I run to the ticket booth.
"Hurry!" I tell them. Grayson catches up to me first and leads me to the ticket booth. I make him crouch down so I can whisper in his ear.
"Lets get them together as much as possible." I whisper to him. He smirks and nods.
"Lets do it." He says. We fist bump and I let him pay for his ticket. Luke then pays for mine and his while giving us a strange look. Just before Sophie can give the ticket guy her money Luke replaces her money with his. Shock spreads across her face and then with a frown.

"I can pay for myself." She says
Luke grins at her "I know, but we invited you so we can pay for you too." He says stubbornly
"But," she starts to protest. Luke cuts off her useless pleas with the holding up of a hand.
"Sophie, it's already been done, no refunds and no exchanges." He smirks
She lets out a small huff and crosses her arms over her chest which only makes him smile more. Before we go through the gate, I make everyone stop to take a picture with the fair behind us.

We head through the gates to be greeted with the loud sounds, fried food smells, and bustling people who are trying to get to some part of the fair. I smile as I take in all the new experiences of the fair.

"What first, Kitten?" Luke ask me

Hello my lovelies, how are you all doing? I couldn't resist adding a cliffhanger, so I did. You guys are great! We are so close to 50K it's amazing!!!!!!
-Have fun reading and remember BE NICE to others!

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