Eighteen- Elephants

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Luke wakes me up saying he wants to take me somewhere after lunch. I get dressed and meet him downstairs. We had spent the morning eating breakfast, snuggling, and playing with Nugget. Grayson had come over for breakfast and Luke said he was coming with us to where ever we were going. I was a little in edge with Grayson being there, but Luke assured me that nothing bad was going to happen. After we eat lunch, which consisted of fish sticks, French fries, and juice, we all get in the car to head to the unknown location.

"Where are we going?" I ask for the thousandth time
Luke chuckles at my persistence but refuses to tell me. "You'll find out when we get there." He says
I groan and lay back in my seat. A smirk plays across my face when an idea pops into my head. I lean up to Grayson's seat and rest my chin on the edge of it.
"Gray," I say as sweetly as I can. He turns to me and I bat my eyelashes innocently
Luke chuckles at my desperate attempts
"Ohh, so now you're working him aren't ya." Luke teases. I giggle and turn my focus back to Grayson.
"Will you tell me where we are going? Please..." I beg with puppy dog eyes
"No," he says unsurely. I can tell I'm making it hard for him, just as I planned.
"Please...." I push on and make my eyes bigger.
"Hey, don't do that. Don't look at me like that." He says as I edge him further to tell me.
"Pretty please with sprinkles on top?" I push further, even going as far as to make a fake pout by sticking out my bottom lip.
"Luke, I'm going to have to tell her if she doesn't quite looking at me like that." Grayson warns. Luke laughs at him and keeps his focus on the road.
"Come on, Kitten. Just enjoy the thrill of a surprise." Luke says. I huff and back off Grayson. It's killing me  to not know where we are going.
"Can I at least have a hint to where we are going?" I plead with him.
He sighs with a small chuckle. "Fine. Gray, do you want to help me with this?" Luke ask him.
"Sure, but I don't know any hints other than the ones that would give it away." He says
"Then tell me one of those. Those are the good hints." I say happily
"Can't. Then you would know where we are going." Luke says
"Okay, I got it." Grayson says and turns to me "There are a lot of things of all different sizes and colors. Most of them make noises and your favorite thing is there." He says
"That's a very bad hint, Gray." I say making them laugh.
"You never said it had to be a good hint." Grayson teases me.

I think it it over in my head multiple times, not finding a conclusion with the terrible hint. I go through all my options of what he thinks my favorite thing is, and since it must be alive, it has to be an elephant. It makes sense that it would be an elephant because he said things were big, small, and made noise. Although, elephants aren't very colorful.

'Where in the world would an elephant be?' I ask myself
Just as Luke turns around a corner, it clicks in my brain.
"A zoo!" I squeal happily. I bounce in my seat out of excitement while they try to figure out how I got it.
"How are you so smart?" Grayson ask me
"How are you so bad at hiding and giving hints?" I fire back at him.
"Well, Ms. Expert hider, where would you have hidden?" He ask with a sassy attitude.
"You both hid behind bookshelves. The most obvious place to hide. But, you did it so you could watch me to see how I would react to the food. Although you had the right idea because you knew I would run from you, you choose the worst spot. I could see you through the space between the books and top of the shelfs. Also, if you are going to stalk someone, you need to make sure they aren't behind you in the hallway when you are on your way to where they are going." I say listing most of the things they did wrong.

"Ha! I told you I heard footsteps." Grayson says to Luke "I knew I wasn't crazy." He says "Anyways, continue."
I giggle at him and continue explaining. "I would have hidden in the back office. You could have watched me, talked as loud as you wanted, and I wouldn't have known you were there, other than me watching you walk there before me every day." I explain with a 'duh' expression.

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