Fifty Seven- Three Days

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It's been three days since I've spoken to Luke. Three days since we've read and cuddled at night. There days since I've eaten dinner with him because I always wait until he isn't in the living room or kitchen to go down. Three days since I've hugged him. Three days of not interacting with him. Three days full of fear, anger, and confused emotions.

Three days of misery.

When I had first woke up I was wrapped in a blanket with Ellie, in Luke's arms, in our chair. Fear kicked in and I gathered my blankets without waking him up and locked myself in my bathroom. After having another mental break down, I made a bed in my bathtub and fell asleep. The next day I didn't come out of my room until I was sure Luke had went to bed. Sophie had stayed the night. I think something happened to her during my checkup. I had heard bits and pieces of their conversation on Sunday morning. They were talking about something to do with blood and passing out, so I'm guessing she passed out when she saw my blood during the test Luke did on me. She tried talking to me before she left to go home. I wouldn't talk to her though. I stayed silent as I laid in bed while she attempted to reason with me. I've cried each day since Saturday. I don't have the motivation to do anything, so I drag through my homework and lay in bed after that.

I then quietly made my way downstairs and gorged myself with food during the night. I carried a few snacks upstairs with me along with drinks so I wouldn't be so hungry the next day.

I did this the next day too. Now it's Tuesday after school. The only time I've been around Luke is during the car rides. I haven't even sat in the front seat like I usually do. I sit in the passenger seat in the back to be as far away from him as possible. He tries to tell me goodbye like he always does, but I didn't give him time to. I am out of the car and storming angrily up the sidewalk to the front doors before he can even get out the beginning of his sentence. Today I made the mistake of looking back to the car once I got inside. He couldn't see me, but I could see him. His face was full of guilt and sadness. It was clear, even from the large distance away, that he regretted it.

I spent most of the day trying to block out the memories. It's hard to focus in class when you can't focus on anything but bad memories. At lunch I sit at the table next to our usual spot. Grayson, Luke and Sophie continue to sit there because I was to one who moved when they sat down. I can hear their conversations too.

"She hates me." Luke says frustratedly
"Give her time, Luke. You can't expect her to immediately bounce right back from this, you know that." Sophie tells him

Grayson tried talking to me too, but I wouldn't listen to him either. Luke still hasn't given up on trying to talk to me, although I make it rather difficult for him. However, I do feel bad about being mean to him. It was wrong of me; I need to apologize.

I let out a sigh and climb off my bed. I know I need to do this because it's the right thing to do, but that doesn't mean I want to. I slowly make my way to his office and peek around the corner of the open door. He's laid back resting in his desk chair with his hands on top his head to block out the light. I take a quiet but deep breath and make my way over to his chair. He doesn't notice me until I climb into a ball on his lap to lay there. I bury my face in his shirt so I don't have to look at him. I can tell he's smiling as he wraps me in a warm hug. I hug back lightly as we sit there in silence. After a few minutes I sit up to see his face. A light bruise covers a section of his lower right jaw. Left for him, right for me. It used to be darker, but its healing quickly. I run my fingers over it softly and guilt consumes my body.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, a tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it away for me and gives me a small smile.
"It's alright, don't cry." He tells me
I begin to cry harder from his ability to forgive me, even when I hurt him. He takes me in a hug again and tries to get me to stop crying.
"I said stop crying, not cry harder." He jokes, making me laugh a tiny laugh.
"I was so mean to you. I-I called you mean things a-and I hit you." I say
"But sweetheart, that wasn't you. That wasn't the sweet little girl I know you are." He says
"A-Are you mad at me?" I ask timidly
"No, no, Kitten. I'm not mad. I am so happy with you right now. I've wanted to say I'm sorry ever since I first told you about the physical. I wanted to apologize for everything. I never wanted to hurt you, Kitten." He says stroking my cheek to calm me
"It hurt so much to think that you hated me. It was the worst thing I've ever felt, because I thought I had ruined everything." He says with a waver in his voice.
"I thought you didn't want to be my little girl anymore." He says. His voice cracks and tears brim his eyes. I shake my head as he wipes his face to keep the tears from falling.

"No, I will a-always be your little girl." I say frantically "I'm so sorry, Daddy. I'm so sorry." I cry. I throw my body onto his and cling to him. He nuzzles his face in my hair as he holds me. I bawl on his shoulder and he tries not to cry too. We sit there with tears of happiness streaming down our faces for what feels like a long time. When we are finally able to stop crying, I don't get out of his lap. I only move so I am more comfortable. We sit in the silence of our comfort because both of us know that nothing else needs to be said.

"Tomorrow after school I have to go back to the clinic." Luke says. I tense at the mention of the horrid place and look to him worriedly
"Don't worry, we aren't going for you, but are you okay to come with me? I really don't want to leave you at home alone for so long." He says
I relax a bit when he clarifies that it isn't for me and give a tiny nod.
"W-Why do you have to go?" I ask worriedly
"Grayson has to fix one of my teeth because we haven't had time to do it at the school." He explains
"Oh, what's wrong with it?" I ask
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "One of my back-side-ish teeth are chipped." He says, clearly not enthused about it.
"Did I do it?" I ask curiously
He doesn't say anything, but looks at me with sad eyes; giving me my answer. I did that to him when I hit him. I hurt him. Now Grayson is going to hurt him too.
"I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't mean too." I say as I burst into tears again.

He pulls me closer again and rubs circles on my back while I cry.
"Shh, I know you didn't mean too." He whispers softly to me
"You can't go. He'll hurt you!" I say between hiccups
The realization of this being my fault kicks in, and panic starts to set.
"I did this. It's my fault, and now Grayson's going to hurt you." I say starting to hyperventilate
"No he won't." He says interrupting me, but I don't listen.
"It's my fault, I'm such a horrible daughter. Y-You deserve better than me." I blubber uncontrollably. I shoot from his lap and race to my room. I grab my uncle bag from my closet and begin to throw random articles of clothing into it wildly. My body is moving on it's own; my mind is running in circles around one thought.

'I'm not good enough to be Luke's daughter.'

I shove clothes into the bag and Luke storms through my door. I pay no attention to him in my hysteria and continue on with what I was doing.

"Evangeline, what are you doing?" He ask urgently
"I h-have to go b-back." I say urgently
"Where?" He ask confusedly with a great amount of concern in his voice
"The orphanage. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve a family." I say, still not ceasing my actions
He rushes over to me and jerks a shirt out of my hands and holds them firmly in his grasp.
"What are you talking about?" He ask concernedly
"Let go! I have to leave. You don't want me anymore. No one wants me. You deserve better than me."I shout desperately as I tug against his firm hold.

He wraps me in a tight embrace, holding me in the constricting hug to keep me from packing and fighting even more. I squirm until my legs eventually give out from under me and I collapse in a heap in his arms. He gently guides us to the floor, continuing to hold me while doing so.

"It's all my fault. Everything is my fault." I whimper pathetically
"Shhh, everything is okay. You aren't going back." Luke says comfortingly
"H-He's going to hurt you, a-and I'm the reason why." I cry
"No he isn't. Grayson would never hurt anyone, especially not me or you, I promise. We don't hurt people, sweetheart." He says
"I'm sorry." I say again for the thousandth time
"It's okay, Kitten." He says calmingly

I'm finally able to stop crying, and realize how tired I am. I lay in Luke's lap, gladly accepting the heat radiating off his body, and somehow drift off to sleep.

Helllooo my lovelies! I haven't updated in a while, and I'm sorry. My schedule is so hectic right now with school and trying to get ready for a big event that I'm going to for almost two weeks (which means even more slow updates sorry) I was going to make this chapter longer, but I decided you guys had waited long enough.

On another note, guys, please remember to be kind to people. You don't know what's going on in their life and even if you do you don't know what's going on in their mind. So please be nice to people. Even if you just smile at someone, that could make their day better. Do something nice today!👍

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