Thirty Three- Cake Break

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I go to change clothes and Luke does the same. We meet each other back downstairs at the island, ready to start cooking. We wash our hands before doing anything. Luke grabs our ingredients for the cake and displays them in front of me with a large mixing bowl, a cake pan, a measuring cup, and a whisk. I bounce around excitedly as he lays everything out that we need. He preheats the oven to the correct temperature which soon chimes to say it's ready. Luke slips an apron over my head and it hangs off my body loosely.

"What do we do first?" I ask him
He picks up the cake mix and reads the back of the instructions.
"Take this and dump it into the bowl." He says handing me the cake mix. I do as he says to and wait patiently for my next instruction.
"Then, add the eggs, oil, and water." He says and hands me each ingredient already measured out for me. I carefully dump the new ingredients into the large bowl and wait for him to tell me what to do.
"Now we have to mix them together." Luke says
I grab the whisk with one hand and the bowl in the other. I try to start mixing them but I can't do it without the bowl moving around. Luke grabs onto the bowl for me while I whisk away. It take a few minutes and by the time it's smooth like it should be, my arms are tired. I wipe the cake mix off my hands with a towel and turn to Luke to see what's next.
"Now we pour this into the cake pans." He says I grab the cake pan that he has already sprayed with the non stick stuff and place it in front of him. He carefully pours the batter into the cake pans and empties out the bowl. He then grabs the pans, places them in the over and starts a timer. I clean up what we don't need to use anymore while Luke gets out the ingredients to make dinner.

He butters some bread and then makes a cheese sandwich with it. He places the sandwich into a pan and starts to cook it. He flips it and a few minutes later, I have a golden brown cheese sandwich in front of me cut into two triangles. The cheese is warm and gooey while the bread has a crunch to it.
I look at it curiously and lift one corner to see the other side.

"It's called a grilled cheese." Luke says from the stove. "They are classics." He tells me.
"Go ahead and eat." He orders me but I shake my head no.
"It's rude to eat when someone else hasn't gotten their food yet." I say to him.
He takes his grilled cheese out of the pan and places it on a plate after cutting it in two.
"Now eat." He commands me. I happily smile and take a bite of my food. It's warm and really tasty. My eyes light up as I eat more.
"You like them, huh?" He ask snarkly. I nod and smile as my answer.
I manage to finish my whole sandwich, making Luke smile at me.
"Do you want another one?" He ask. I shake my head no and clutch my stomach. I fake a groan and lay my head on the table. The cake timer goes off and I immediately perk back up. Luke chuckles at me and goes to take the cake out of the oven.
"We have to let them cool before we can put the icing on them." He says to me.
"Okay." I huff. I had really wanted to add the icing now.
I clean up our mess with Luke's help and wait for the cakes to cool. Once they aren't hot anymore, Luke takes them out of the pans and stacks them on top of each other. I tear excitedly into the icing container, barely able to contain myself anymore. This is so much fun, I wish I could do this every day. Luke hands me a spatula and I set a big dollop of icing on the top. Luke helps me spread it around and on the sides. He gets all the places I miss with another spatula and more icing. He smoothes out the sides and top to make it look better once we finish covering it.

He smirks at me and hands me the small sprinkles container. My eyes go wide, I had forgotten about sprinkles. I pour some into my hand and Luke's hand and cap the multicolored toppings back up. I begin to scatter the sprinkles across the top and Luke does the same. Some of them fall to the side but that only makes it look better. I finish putting on the sprinkles and hurriedly get two plates for us.

Luke grabs a knife to cut it but I tell him to wait. I snatch my phone off the counter and take a picture of the cake. I take a picture of the cake and Luke next. He pulls me to him and I take a selfie of us. I take a few more just to make sure I get a good picture. Luke makes funny faces which makes me giggle and I do the same. Finally satisfied with the pictures I have, I let him cut the cake. He dishes out two small pieces for us and I hand him a fork.

I cut off a small piece and raise it to my lips. I look to Luke for a brief second before shoving the cake into my mouth. Flavor explodes on my tongue and I do a mini happy dance in my spot. Luke chuckles at me and ruffles my hair. I smirk at him as an idea forms in my head.

"Luke, you have icing on your nose." I say quickly to throw him off
"What?" He ask through a mouthful of cake.
"Payback." I claim and swipe my finger in the icing on my piece and dab it on his nose. He's taken back by what just happened and looks down his nose. I burst out laughing at his confused expression. I'm soon doubled over myself and he starts laughing too. Before I know what's happening, he has swiped a spoon in the icing and is smearing it on my cheeks. I squeal and giggle as I try to run away. He chases me around the island with the spoonful of icing, trying to get me more messy.

"Wait!" I yell which makes him stop in his tracks.
"Cake break." I say and take a bite of my cake.

After I eat that piece, I put my plate back down and smile at him. He takes off after me and I dart around the corner of the island.

"Come here you little squirt!" He bellows playfully to me. He catches me by the waist and lifts me off my feet. Somehow, we both end up on the kitchen floor with Luke towering over me. I manage to steal the spoon from him and make a death grip on the handle. I rub the icing covered utensil across his face, making sure to use as much of the icing as I can. To make sure he doesn't get to put more on me, I put the spoon in my mouth and suck off all the remaining icing. It's very sweet but I love it.

He collapses on the floor beside me in a fit of laughter. I scramble off the floor and grab my phone I take pictures of him laughing and then lay back down beside him. I take selfies of us laying on the floor laughing at how silly we eat look. Nugget comes trotting over to us while I'm taking pictures and begins to lick the icing off the floor and our faces. I somehow manage to get pictures of this also. I peel myself off the cold tiles and wipe off my face with a napkin. Luke does the same and it takes everything he have to not start laughing at each other again. Through small fits of giggles, I finish my piece of cake. I help Luke clean up our mess and then go to my room to get ready to turn in for the night. He does the same since we are both tired.

I do my nightly routine of showering and brushing my teeth. I put on a pair of silky pajamas that are a light blue with clouds on then that have a white trim on the hems. I let my wet hair hang loose around my shoulders after brushing it and crawl onto my bed. I scroll through my pictures and delete the bad ones. A faint knock is heard coming from my door. I turn to see Luke walking to me.
"Whatcha doing, love bug?" He ask and tickles my feet. I giggle and pull them to my body.
"Looking at our pictures." I tell him. He plops down beside me with a sigh. I scoot over and lay my head on his shoulder. He watches as I look through the photos, occasionally chuckling at a few. He ask me to send them to him so I do. I plug in my phone with a yawn and grab our book off my shelf. I lay back down next to him and hand him the book. I snuggle under the covers with Ellie as he begins to read us the story. It's not long before I begin to feel sleepy. I start to doze off and Luke closes the book.

"Goodnight, Kitten." Luke whispers softly to me
"Nighty night." I mumble sleepily. He kisses my head softly and gently removes my head from the crook of his arm. He guides my head to the pillow and pulls the covers up my body to keep me warm. I curl into a ball with the Ellie and the blanket with Nugget at my feet. Luke scratches Nuggets ear and switches off my lights hanging on the wall. I always like to have them on instead of my big light because it gives a more cozy vibe to the room.
"Congratulations to us." I sing sleepily to myself with a smile. I drift slowly off to sleep with the happy memories of today's events playing in my head.

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