Fifty- Not Fair

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I stand silently between Luke and Sophie in Mr. Jones' office. A very angry Colin sits in the chair in front the desk with his parents on his other side. Mr. Jones sits on the other side of his desk looking very frustrated and disappointed. Luke is fuming and Sophie doesn't look to happy either. Colin's parents seem kind of stuck up. They definitely have lots of money. It's clear buy how they dress and hold theirselves. Their body language says 'I'm better than you, and entitled to everything.'

"Colin, do you know why you are here?" Mr. Jones ask
"No, I can't say I do." Colin says rudely
"Well, I'm sure you are aware on the schools no Violence policy, correct?" Mr. Jones ask
"Don't fight." Colin says sarcastically
"It seems that you have been doing just that." Mr. Jones says
"I haven't done anything." Colin protest
"Evangeline and her father say otherwise."Mr. Jones says
"If he said he didn't do anything then he didn't do anything." Colin's father says
"Oh, so I'm guessing the bruises just magically appeared by themselves?" Luke says sarcastically. Colin's parents look taken back by Luke's rudeness and anger flashes across the fathers face.

"What bruises, there are no bruises. She's fine!" Mrs. White says. I sink lowing into myself to make myself seem smaller. There is nothing I want more than to get out of the center of attention.

"Ma'am there are bruises. They are under my shirt because he didn't want anyone to see them." I whisper quietly to Mrs. White. I wish I would have stayed quiet because now everyone is shocked that I spoke. Everyone was even more so surprised that I was standing up for myself for once.

"She could be lying." Mr. White says
"No sir, it's wrong." I say to him
"We can't exactly take your word for it. Just because you said you don't lie doesn't mean anything." Mr. White says to me
"Hey! Don't speak to my daughter like that." Luke snaps at him. Mr. White goes to yell back but Mr. Jones stops both of them.

"Mr. and Mrs. White, I have kept this a secret for a very long time because I'm not a very brave person. I don't like to lie, so I rarely ever do it, but when I do, it is usually to keep secrets about people being mean to me. Quite frankly sir, I've been lied to most of my life, and I know how it feels to not trust anyone. Before I was adopted I had no one, but that isn't the point here." I say trying to sound confident. Everyone listens carefully to me with interest in my story, Luke especially.

"Honestly sir, I don't have many, if any, friends. The other students aren't very nice to me, and don't particularly like me, for reasons I don't know or understand. Mr. White, I get nothing out of lying about this. I'm not going to get friends, or popularity, so there would be no reason to lie. I don't want to be here just as much as anyone. All being here gets me, is a chance to walk the halls and not have to worry about the possibility of your son making my body hurt even more than it already does. I just want to be treated like the other students, sir." I force out. Sophie looks like she's about to cry and Luke looks sad. Colin's parents seem untouched by my speech and remain standing tall.

I sigh when I know what I have to do. I grab the bottom of my shirt and lift it up but make sure that my chest isn't exposed. Their eyes widen at the sight of my tattered body. I spin around so they can see my back too and then pull my shirt back down.

"Oh my." Mrs. White says in a hushed tone.
"A-Any one could have done that." Mr. White stammers. I look to Colin whom has a clenched jaw and refuses to look at me. I look back down to the floor in shame as I wish to disappear.

"Mr. Jones, I think now would be a good time to look at the cameras." Sophie suggest quickly
Mr. Jones looks to me "Evangeline, can you tell me what time we should watch?" He ask
"After lunch sir. In the south wing hallway where the science classes are." I whisper
Both Luke and Sophie look at me shocked, probably from the surprise of how they were with me just before I would get hurt and didn't know.

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