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I skip breakfast at the orphanage. It's nothing special, just an apple and a glass of water, or occasionally buttered toast. I get to school with just enough time left for me to read for a few minutes in the library. As I make my way there, I feel someone grab my arm from behind, and I'm spun around to face them. Colin stands towering over me with a sick grin.

"Evangeline, how nice it is to see you again." He says sarcastically, "Well, someone is in a bad mood. Are you not happy to see me?" He ask. I know it's in my best interest to say I am. I nod and hope it's enough.
"I don't believe that." He says clearly becoming angry.

I know I've messed up when he draws back his hand, and a red hot pain spreads across my cheek. I cry out and clutch my cheek in my hand. I can't help but double over when I take a blow to my stomach. He pushes me to the ground, and I reflexively curl into a ball. Kick after kick is delivered to my stomach and sides. I lay crumpled on the floor after he stops, holding in sobs as I let the pain pass.

He leans down next to me, "Next time, you better be happy to see me."

I don't say anything. Knowing that if I talk, my tears would definitely fall and I'd look weak. He walks away, leaving me laying pathetically in the hallway.

My cheek burns from him slapping me, and I'm sure there is a handprint formed on my face. I can feel bruises already starting to form on my skin. It hurts to move, but I force myself up and gather my things. I stop my sniffles as I make my way to my class.

Thankfully, no one had been in the hallway to see the attack. Collin was always careful to never do it when anyone was around. I keep my head down as I walk, wanting to avoid any extra attention I might get from the people filing into the school.

I get to my classroom just as the other people start coming in. Once the bell rings, Ms. Harris comes in and begins her lesson. A little ways into class, someone from the office comes over the intercom.

"All ninth grade students, please report to the auditorium at this time." The lady says. Ms. Harris continues teaching since it doesn't pertain to us, as we are tenth grade.

She continues on like nothing happened. We change classes when the bell rings, and during the middle of class, the same lady speaks over the intercom.

"At this time, we need all tenth grade students to report to the auditorium, thank you."

The teacher tells us to take our things because we will dismiss from the auditorium straight to our next class. Everyone grabs their things, and we file into the auditorium. I'm lucky enough to get a seat in the very back and on the end. The principal, Mr. Jones, stands on the bright stage with a microphone in hand. He quietens the students after they take a seat. Everyone shift restlessly in their seats, waiting to be told what is going on.

"Students, as you know we care for all of you, and that includes taking your health into consideration. So, I have brought in two of the best people qualified to check over your health." He says confidently as he walks across the stage.
"Please give a warm welcome to Dr. Luke Clark and Dr. Grayson Moore." Mr. Jones says. He holds out a hand to invite them to the stage. Everyone claps, except me.

My heart stops when I see them. I can't believe it. I've been so close to them without even knowing it. I helped my biggest fears. Luke was so close to me for so long. They could have hurt me just like he did. Everything could happen all over again.

Mr. Jones gives each of them a microphone. They are dressed professionally, similar as to how they were yesterday. Both of them walk to center stage with big smiles and confidence in their steps.

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