Forty Five- Help

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I run off to find where the panic is. A large group of people have surrounded two teenage girls, one of which looks to be unconscious and is lying on the ground while the other is kneeling over her sobbing profusely.
"Me, I'm a doctor!" I shout
"Let him through." Someone says when they see me struggling to get through the crowd. A path emerges before me almost like magic. I sprint to the girl and immediately kneel down on the opposite side of the crying girl. I first check the pulse of the other and find that it's very weak, but still there. I place my cheek just above her mouth to see if she is breathing, luckily she is. I look up and find a random person with a phone and point to them.

"You, call the paramedics, now." I tell them. They fumble with their phone but eventually make the call. I turn my focus back to the crying girl who is freaking out.
"Sweetheart, listen to me. I need you to tell me what happened." I tell her calmly. She takes a few deep breaths that are interrupted by sobs and looks between me and the unconscious girl.
"Listen to me, breath. I can't help her unless I know what happened." I tell her
"S-She said something a-about needing something to eat, s-so we were going to get food, b-but then she collapsed." The girl chokes out

'Okay, that's a start.' I think to myself

"Good, now, tell me her name and if she has any medical conditions." I tell the girl.
"S-Stacie." The girl says crying
"Medical conditions. This is really important sweetheart, I need to know anything. Anything at all." I say while trying to keep my voice calm and steady but urgent.

"Um, I-I don't know. She just moved here a-and we met in school. Please help her." The girl cries
"I'm trying honey. Are you sure she never said anything about anything wrong with her?" I push
"A bracelet, I can't remember what it was." The girl forces out

'Yes! Maybe she has it on.' I say to myself

My hands instantaneously go to the girls wrist. One is bare while the other is full of bracelets. I swiftly look at each bracelet until I find the medal chain I'm looking for. It's a diabetic bracelet. It's in case of emergencies like this to let the responders know that this person has diabetes.

"Good, this helps me a lot." I tell her and push away the bracelets to reveal that particular one.
"She's a diabetic. Did she bring a bag with her?" I ask
The girl nods and hands me a red drawstring bag. I open it and sort through the contents until I find what I need. I unzip the black pouch and pull out the finger prick and the blood sugar measuring device.

"What's your name, honey?" I ask as I put in a new needle so I can prick the unconscious girls finger
"Grace." She says
"Grace, my name is Luke. I'm going to help your friend, okay?" I tell her. She nods as more tears stream down her blotchy face.

"Grayson!" I yell. Soon, Grayson is right beside me trying to figure out why the hell I wanted him.
"Calm her down." I tell him
"Got it." He says. He goes to the other side to the other girl and kneels in front of her.

"Grace, this is my friend Grayson. He's here to help me, alright?" I tell her so she doesn't freak out more

Grayson starts talking to her to calm her down while trying to get some basic information on the other girl. I half listen to their conversations while whining the girls finger with an alcohol pad to sterilize it.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. Can you tell me how old she is?" Grayson ask her
"Sixteen I think." The girl says while trying to stop crying

"Stacie, little prick sweetheart. You've done his before." I say to the unconscious girl in case she can hear me. I prick her finger and squeeze it gently to make a drop of blood come out faster.

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