Fifty Nine- New York

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I ended up apologizing to Grayson for knocking him off his chair. Luckily, I didn't hurt him. He said he understood that I was only trying to protect Luke, and that he wasn't mad.

It has been a week since it happened. Sophie and Grayson are over for dinner and to watch movies tonight. So far, we have played monopoly, charades, and now twister. Luke and Grayson won charades because we used teams. Sophie won monopoly, but I won twister. Grayson was the first to fall, and ended up knocking over Luke. Sophie and I were quite literally head to head for a while during the game. Sugar and Nugget kept getting in our way, eventually resulting in sugar messing up Sophie and her falling over.

Luke answers the door when the doorbell rings, while we clean up the games. It's the pizza man with our food. Luke brings the pizza to the table after paying and we all sit down to eat.

"Ow! Shiznit, why is that so hot?" Grayson ask after hurrying to swallow his hot pizza
"Well, it's kind of hard to cook it cold." I say back sarcastically, earning a deep laugh from Sophie and Luke. He scoffs at me and shakes his head with a small laugh on the side.

Grayson picks up his plate and groans when he sees a penny is what's making it wobble. I've hidden pennies all round his house, also in his things as a prank because he rearranged my book shelf. This prank war started soon after I apologized. He keeps finding them in the most random places and it's driving him nuts. Just like I hoped.

Next time he'll learn.

"Really, another penny?" Grayson says frustratedly
"There are still a lot more too." I giggle
"I hate pennies." He grumbles, causing me to return to a fit of giggles

"Okay, what movies are we watching?" Sophie ask
"Yeah, I think that's the real question." Luke says agreeing with her. I hold up two fingers and swallow my food before speaking.
"The Maze Runner, and Mulan." I clarify
"Haven't we already seen Mulan?" Luke ask
"Yes, but you said if I gave Nugget a bath then we could watch it again." I say after a bite of pizza
"Oh yeah." He mumbles "We would have watched it even if you didn't give him a bath." Luke says smugly
"I know, but I would have given him a bath even without the bribe." I say contradicting him with a grin. Sophie laughs through a bite of pizza and I have to hold back a laugh of my own.
"Ooo, the player got played." Grayson jokes, making us all laugh.
"Oh hush, pennies." Luke fires back at him.

We talk more throughout dinner, eventually ending up playing twenty questions with Sophie.

"Favorite food?" Grayson ask
She thinks for a moment while eating her pizza "Waffles." She says
Luke laughs at her choice "Really? I was expecting something more like, I don't know, spaghetti."
"Nope, waffles. When I was a kid I would always make different designs by pouring syrup in the little squares." She says in a daydream, almost as if she is remembering doing it. "But, it has to have chocolate chips in it with blueberries on top, for it to be my favorite, technically." She adds
"Okay, my turn." Luke says "Whats your favorite color?"
"Yellow." She says happily
"Why?" Luke ask
"Hey, that's two questions." I grumble
He rolls his eyes at me. "Will ice cream make up for my double question?" He ask
I smile widely at him and he returns one. "That's three, but yes." I say happily which makes him chuckle
"Continue." I tell Sophie 
"I've always loved yellow. It's happy, and fun, and full of life." She says "It' in a sense." She says slower this time

Luke gazes at her with an interested smile. Small however, but still there. She doesn't notice, however Grayson and I do. When I look to him and he wiggles his eyebrows with a goofy grin; forcing me to hold back a giggle.

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