Thirty Four- Bad feeling

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Another week goes by smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it ever goes. Luke and I stick to our routine. That weekend he takes me back to the fabric store where we show the clerk my dresses. She loved them and helped me pick out more fabric for my other designs. I worked all weekend on my dress that I planned to wear today. It's a simple white dress that has cute birds on it. So far, it's my favorite that I've made. I wrap a small belt around my waist that matches it and slip on a pair of flats. I let my hair hang loosely down my back with it swept slightly to my left side. I put on some mascara and lip gloss to complete my look.

I hop down the steps to the kitchen where Luke is dressed in black scrubs, cooking breakfast. He dishes out two omelets for us and sets them down at the table. I skip over happily to him and twirl.

"Do you like it?" I ask
"I do, you look wonderful." He says which makes me smile more.
"Where's my morning hug?" He ask me
I giggle and wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. I let go and we both sit down at the table. We eat breakfast and talk about our plans for today. Well, more like I talk about my plans because all Luke does is give physicals to the other students. We begin talking about my art project that I've been working on. We had to paint one of our favorite memories. I chose to paint the one with the family of elephants at the zoo. My teacher really likes it and says it's the best in the class. We clean up and drive to school. I hug Luke and tell him bye before going into the school.

I spend the whole day being very careful because I have a weird feeling that something bad is going to happen. Ms. Harris joins us for lunch like usual. She has another salad, but she doesn't seem to like it very much. We all separate after lunch and I head to class. Colin, once again, manages to get me in a hallway alone. He kicks my stomach until it hurts so much that it's numb. He didn't even say anything to me. He just beat me and left me in the hallway floor. I pick myself off the floor and force myself to go to class. Even though this is something bad, the feeling still doesn't go away. After my science class, I happily make my way to my art class. I can't wait to finish my painting. It's almost done and I only have a few more things to touch up on it. When I get there, everyone is already in the room which is odd. Usually, I'm one of the first people in there. Amy, a grade a bitch in my book, scurry away from the door like there is a rat on it.

'Am I late?' I silently ask myself
The door is part open but not enough for me to squeeze through. I step through and push the door open. Before I can get out of the doorway, something wet and cold splashes down on me. I freeze in my spot and everyone begins to laugh. My hair and clothes are soaking wet. A water bucket that we use to clean out our brushes while painting clatters down beside me.

My hair sticks to my face, and my cold dress clings to my  skin, chilling me to the core. I sigh heavily and will myself to keep my emotions in check. Everyone laughing and staring at me is quickly making my anxiety rise. I go to set my stuff down, but something catches my foot. As I go down, Jesse, one guy who always picks on me, holds a paint tray full of different colored paints in front of me. My body is going down to fast for me to react and I take the tray down win me. I land with a thud on my stomach with the paint tray under me. I peel my body off the ground and look down to my now ruined dress.
"My dress...." I whisper to myself as everyone laughs harder. I would have been able to save it with just the dirty water, but not now with the paint. The rainbow is smeared all over the front and in my hair. There is no way I could get this out. There is a giant smear of red across my whole chest, running from the area where my dress reveals my chest to the middle hem of my dress. Tears spring to my eyes as I stand up. My tear filled eyes roam the laughing group of kids. I spot one girl, who is unfamiliar to me, in the back of the room. The only difference between her and everyone else is she isn't laughing. She almost looks sad for me. I look back down to the floor which is now covered in water and paint like me. I hold back my tears as everyone laughs at my pitiful appearance. I grab a towel off the table and go to wipe off my dress. I stop and decide to not even try to get it out now because I'm not going to do anything but make it worse. I get down on my knees and begin to wipe up the mess. Everyone watches and laughs while making smart remarks about me, except for the one girl with the brown hair.

I hear the sound of my teachers voice and Ms. Harris'. I look to the door sadly and they gasp when they walk in. Everyone suddenly gets quiet and sinks back into their seats.

"Evangeline, are you alright? What happened here?" My teacher Mrs. Williams ask me frantically
I look down to my mess in shame.
"I-I'm sorry Mrs. Williams, I was carrying to much a-and I slipped." I say spiritlessly
I watch as all my classmates faces go to awe but quickly recover so they don't seem suspicious.
Ms. Harris takes my hand in hers, as she carefully avoids the mess on the floor, and helps me up.
"Mrs. Williams, can you find me a towel please?" She ask my current teacher. Mrs. Williams hurriedly finds me a clean and full size towel that Ms. Harris wraps around my shoulders.

"Mrs. Williams, I'm going to take her to the front office. Can you keep an eye on my class for me?" Ms. Harris ask my teacher since their classrooms are right next to each other.
"Definitely." Mrs. Williams says and looks angrily to the other students.
"Could none of you help her?" She bellows at them. They all look guiltily to anywhere but her.
Ms. Harris hands me my stuff and I hold it away from my body so I don't get it dirty too. I follow her silently to the front office where she sits me in a seat in a private room that no one is using. She bends down in front of my chair and looks at me sadly. I try to avoid her gaze but ultimately fail.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" She ask me and brushes a piece of wet hair out of my face.
"I slipped." I say. She looks like she doesn't believe me but doesn't say anything. After a few minutes, she stands up and goes to the phone.
"I'm calling Luke to come get you." She says and dial the number to the east wing.

'Great. Now I'm waist deep in shit creek." I think to myself and sigh. I swing my legs under the chair to try and occupy my mind so I don't think about how cold I am. I don't bother listening to the phone call between Ms. Harris and Mrs. Cheryl. There is no use. Everyone is angry with me and I'm probably going to be punished. Ms. Harris hangs up the phone, grabs a few tissues, and comes back to kneel in front of me. She gently wipes off my face and I helps me wipe off my arms. She goes to try and wipe off my dress but I stop her.

"Don't. There's no use. It's ruined." I say depressingly. She gives me a sad look and backs off. I use the corner of the towel to wring out my hair and to try and get some of the paint out before it dries. A little while later, a hard and brief knock echoes off the door which swings in hardly to reveal a confused and slightly upset Luke.

This was my bad feeling and it's not going to end well.
Hello my lovelies! I'm so sorry for the long wait, but better late than never. I will have the next chapter up soon I promise. I'm working as fast as I can, I just got kind of busy today and yesterday. Anyways, have fun with probably hating this chapter! Bye.

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