Thirty Six- Apologize

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I sit shivering in my seat while Luke goes out in the hallway. This is all my fault. I can't do anything right. If I would have gotten it cleaned up in time then everything would have been fine. No one would have noticed. Sure I would have been just as miserable as I am not in my sticky and cold dress, but at least I wouldn't be in trouble. Now that whoever did this to me is in trouble, it's only going to make them angry at me and they could do worse to me for revenge.

Mr. Jones walks in with Ms. Harris, Luke, Amy, Jesse, and four people who must be their parents. I bow my head in shame and I can't bear to look at them. I can feel Amy and Jesse's glares on me and shrink lower in my seat. Any and Jesse are told to sit in the two chairs in front of the desk. They follow their orders unhappily and slump into the chairs.

"It seems here that we have a very sever case of bullying from your children to Ms. Evangeline." Mr. Jones says to the parents who are standing beside their children. Ms. Harris comes to get me and guides me to the desk between her and Luke.

"She slipped, she even said it herself!" Amy says trying to defend herself. I watch the anger glow in Luke's eyes as he glares at the girl.
"Is that so, Ms. Lowe? Because the video footage we have proves otherwise." Mr. Jones says harshly
Amy's face goes pale and she quietens. Jesse and her give each other hard looks before looking to me. I shrink into myself to try to avoid their burning gaze.

"Can someone explain what's going on?" Jesse's dad ask
"Your son, and your daughter have humiliated Evangeline in front of the entire art class by dumping water on her, and tripping her onto a tray of paint, completely covering her in both." Luke says angrily to the parents. He takes the towel away from my body to reveal my paint covered dress and hair. Both mothers let out small gasp and the fathers glare at their children.

"Mr. Jones, this isn't necessary. They were just having fun." I whisper to the ground, catching everyone off guard.
"Evangeline." Luke says warningly, signaling for me to be quiet.
"Can we see the video please?" Amy's mother ask
Mr. Jones types on the computer before tuning the screen for everyone to see. He presses play and it starts with some of the kids gathered in a circle. Amy leaves to fill up a water bucket and places it on top of the door. Jesse fills a paint tray and then I enter. Everyone watches as the scene unfolds on the screen. Jesse and Amy sink into their seats guiltily as their parents burn holes in them with there stares. I silently tug the towel out of Luke's firm grip and wrap it back around me for warmth. My dress is drying, just not fast enough.

"Hand over your phone now." Jesse's mom demands
"You too." Amy's mother says
"But dad!" Jesse protest to his father
"Now!" He orders his son who reluctantly hands over his phone. Amy does the same with her mother with an angry scowl.
"We raised you better than this." Jesse's mother says

"Whose idea was this?" Mr. Jones ask
Jesse and Amy look to each other and Amy burst out with excuses.
"He made me do it! He planned the whole thing!" Amy cries
"You lier! This was all your idea, and you're trying to pin it on me!"

"ENOUGH! Both of you, hush!" Mr. Jones shouts over their loud yelling. I jump back slightly from fright. Ms. Harris rest a hand on my back to calm me. Both of them grow quiet and grumble in their chairs.
"Now, I say we rewind the video until we see who started the little get together to tell who was in charge." Mr. Jones says as he tries to keep calm.

Mr. Jones rewinds the video to before the kids got together to show Amy gathering them together. It's now clear that she is leading the group but only Jesse agreed to do it. We all look to Amy who shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

"Why did you two do it?" Mr. Jones ask
"We just thought it would be fun." Jesse mumbles, after he realizes Amy isn't going to talk.
"Well, I hope it was fun enough for you because you are grounded for a month. No electronics and you will go to an from school. That's it." Jesse's mom tells him. He doesn't protest but instead nods to accept his punishment.
"You are grounded too young lady." Amy's dad says to her. "And you can forget going to that One Direction concert next month." Her mother says. Amy's face turns to horror and she lets out a half groan half scream and stomps her foot in frustration.
She goes to speak but her father stops her.
"Don't you say a word." He warns her. She shuts her mouth with a huff.

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