Twenty Eight- Stubborness

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I'm able to sleep through the rest of the day and all through the night. Luke had to almost drag me downstairs to eat dinner, and I didn't even eat half of it. It's hard to keep the pain from showing on my face when I move. Colin had been in a bad mood for some reason when I saw him last, and he decided taken it out on me. It didn't help that I pushed Colin's hand away when he put it up my shirt, resulting in only making his mood worse. Dark bruises are scattered across my middle section, and one has the distinct shape of a fist.

I hug Luke bye and grimace slightly in his arms. Thankfully, he doesn't notice, and I open the car door when he lets go.
"Bye." I call out
"Bye, love bug . Have a good day." He tells me

'Not likely.' I think to myself
"You too." I say instead of my real thoughts.

I enter the school and shift my books inside my book bag. I make my way quickly to Ms. Harris' room to get away from all the other people. I take a random seat in the back of the room and open my sketch book, beginning to work on a new design that I had started recently. Ms. Harris comes into the room and takes a seat at her desk, which happens to be right next to mine.
"Good morning, Evangeline." She greets me happily
"Good morning." I say back with a smile
"Feeling better?" She ask
"Yes, Ma'am." I tell her. She straightens out some papers on her desk and looks back to me.
"You're a little trooper." She says
This confuses me and she keeps going to explain.
"I went by the East wing after school yesterday to see what was wrong. Luke said you got sick from eating too much during breakfast, but he couldn't get you to stay home." She explains. I bow my head in embarrassment and mumble a 'yeah.'
"I would have stayed home, I'm not going to lie." She laughs and types something into her computer.
"I hate missing school." I say. She looks at me weirdly. Now it's my turn to explain.
"If I miss school, I get behind and it's is hard to catch back up. Then, I don't understand things as much as I would if I were here which could make me do bad on test, resulting in my grades dropping. If my grades drop then someone else's grades are going to be better than mine and a college is going to pick them over me. If I don't get into college then everything I've worked for is down the drain because I can't do what I want in life. My life would be ruined since I missed school only because I needed to rest." I tell her. She's taken back by my response and sits there with an impressed expression.

"Huh." She says still trying to process what I said.
"I see you've thought this through quite a bit." She says and folds her hands under her chin.
"What's the point in having a brain if you aren't going to use it?" I ask sarcastically. She chuckles at me and nods.
"Good point." She says "I wish your peers would think even half as what you do. Sometimes I don't even know if they think at all." She says with a fed up attitude. I laugh,  which makes her smile.
"But, you really should take a day off if you need to. Your grades are astonishing. I don't have the grades for your other classes, but I'm sure they are just as good as your grade in here." She praises me, making me smile.
"It would take more than one missed day to make a dent in your grades." She says

I go back to drawing as she grades papers. We're silent as we sit there, other than the sound of my pencil and her pen going against the papers. Just before the bell rings, I put away my sketch book and take out my math notes.

"Are you going to eat lunch with us again?" I ask, hoping she says yes because she didn't come yesterday.
She smiles at me confusedly "I don't know, why do you ask?"
"Because it's more fun with you there." I tell her which makes her smile. "You should."
She chuckles at my enthusiasm and smiles "I'll see what I can do." She says, which might mean a yes, making me smile.

The bell rings and she goes to stand at the door to greet the other students as they enter the class. Everyone files in noisily and claims their seats for the period. Ms. Harris starts the lesson and I pay attention to make sure I don't miss anything. When class is over, I tell Ms. Harris goodbye after everyone leaves, and then make my way to the library for study hall.

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