Sixty- Time

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When you are a child, a baby, there is a period of time when you have yet to gain object permanence. Object permanence is a child's realization that an object exists even when he or she cannot, hear, see, or touch it. Like when a child drops a toy under their crib and begins to cry. They don't understand that the toy isn't gone forever, they just can't see it.

However, there is also something called separation anxiety. Luke and Sophie think I have that. I heard them talking about it the other night. I looked it up and the definition I found made me sound like a baby.

Separation Anxiety: distress that is sometimes experiences by infants when they are separated from their primary caregivers.

Although, I do commonly feel this way with people. I try to never get close to some people because I believe they will someday leave and not come back. It's happened before and could most definitely happen again. It could happen to anyone at any time. I only made the mistake of getting close to Luke.

I've never experienced this with a family. I have never really had a family. Only when I was very young, except I can't remember much about them. Knowing Luke is leaving is a horrible feeling. It's like knowing I'm not going to have a family for a while. I'll be alone again. I don't want to loose another family. When Luke leaves, it's like my family is gone.
Like it never existed. Like it was only a game.

A game that I lose every time.

I have practically been a leach on him for the past two days. I sat beside him at lunch, I never left his side at home, unless it was for him or me to use the bathroom or do some personal things like shower, and I helped cook, clean, everything. I did all I could to have more time with him.

The bad thing about having time is, that you have time. When you have time it either goes by really fast or drags out for what seems like forever. The past two days seemed to go by faster than time could ever go. Today on the other hand, seemed to go slower than a snail.

Luke's taxi gets here at seven o'clock because his flight takes off at eight . He opted for the nighttime flight so we could have more of today together.

All morning I haven't left his side. We gathered all his stuff that he needed, and put it by the front door. We cooked breakfast and cleaning it up, and the same with lunch. After making sure all of his travel plans were set, Luke cuddled with me on the couch while watching our favorite movie, Toy Story. Both of us agree that the first is the best, and neither of us like the third. We both agree that the second is okay, but not as good as the first one. I end up falling asleep on Luke's side, practically attached to him from my tight grip.

A little while later, I wake up and Luke isn't beside me anymore. His spot is empty and cold; meaning he has been gone for at least a few minutes.

'Did he leave without saying goodbye?' I ask myself
Panic starts to rise in me and I shoot into a sitting position. 'He wouldn't do that, right?' I say to myself I look around and come to the verge of crying when I don't see him. "Daddy?" I whisper softly.

Just as I begin to become scared, he walks through the door. I gasp from surprise and spring from the couch. I rush to him and hug his waist tightly with my small T-Rex arms.

"What is wrong Kitten?" Luke ask worriedly
"I thought you left without saying goodbye." I say as relief washes over my body.
"Of course not. I was talking to Sophie." He says
"Is she coming over?" I ask
He chuckles "She's already here."

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