Four- Articles

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We watch as Evangeline gets up and starts toward the shelves. I notice that she refuses to look away from the book, and it instantly clicks in my brain that she knows we're here. She's known we have been here the whole time, now she's trying to get away.

I had spotted her in the very back of the auditorium first. She was very on edge already when she sat down. Her eyes continuously glanced around the room, looking at all the people. It was hard to see her in the very back, but it was clear that she was scared when we mentioned the checkups. She ran out with only us and the boy beside her noticing.

After our speech, I had an idea as to where she would be. I lead Grayson down the hallway after all the kids had gone back to class. We waited around the corner, so, if I was right, she wouldn't see us. After a few minutes, she peeked her head out of the bathroom door. Her cheeks were red and puffy like she'd been crying.

We watched as she made her way to the library, following close behind and being careful to not get caught. We assumed she must have a free period because she didn't go to a class. She doesn't seem like the type of kid who would skip class either. Who would skip to go to the library anyways?

"She knows we're here." I tell Grayson, "I'm going to see if I can talk to her."

I quietly make my way over, to see her struggling to put the book back. I push it up into the empty slot, and she freezes and her body tenses up. She turns to me, her beautiful eyes wide and full of tears. I can't help but feel like she looks familiar when I finally see her up close.

Her bottom lip quivers, telling me she's about to cry. Before I can say anything, she takes off in the other direction, letting out a surprised yelp as she passes Grayson unexpectedly around the corner. I stand there in awe, shocked at what just happened. I look around the corner to see her sprinting to her bag. She grabs it, not stopping and continues out of the library. Something falls out the pocket but she doesn't notice. She leaves a paper full of writing on her table too. I look back to Grayson, who is just as shocked as I am.

"That went well." Grayson says sarcastically. I huff and start towards the desk she was at.

"She dropped something and left a paper." I say, pointing to the desk.

As I get closer I recognize the small, red and white object on the ground as an inhaler. The paper looks like a note, but I don't bother with it yet. I bend down and pick up, knowing we have to get it back to her in case she needs it.

'Evangeline Rose King' the identification sticker reads.
"She has asthma." I say confusedly. Grayson comes up behind me and begins reading the paper she left behind.

" Dr. Clark and Dr. Moore,
Yes, I knew you were there, but I needed to study. It's not very nice to talk about people, and to be quite frank, what has happened to me is none of your business. No, I'm not going to lunch, I'm not hungry. For your information, I do indeed have panic attacks, but again, none of your business.

Mr. Clark, if you must know, my panic attack yesterday was caused by my teacher calling on me to answer a question in class. You are correct, I don't talk much, and, no, I don't like to be touched.

My guardian will sign that you are allowed to give me the checkup, but it will not be 'Interesting'. I'm not doing it. You might gain permission to see me, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm not doing it. Even with the form saying yes, neither of you aren't allowed to touch me without my consent.

There is a very small chance that I will trust you enough to do it. My fear of both of you is a lot greater than the average person. It's clear that I prefer to keep to myself, and I would greatly appreciate it if you left me alone.
- Evangeline
P.S. Dr. Moore, you ask a lot of questions. "

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