Sixty Six- Anger

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Sophie and I had a fun night during our sleepover. We had a movie marathon after playing Just Dance and messing around with make up. The whole night was filled with laughs and smiles. I was happy.

But that changed when I woke up this morning. All I could think of was how Luke left. He left just like everyone else.

I know I should be excited that Luke is coming home today, yet I'm not. I'm angry, partly at Luke, but mainly at myself for believing that he would stay.

I can feel the emotions inside of me swelling in my chest, but I pull anger out on top. I know that if I think of any other emotion then I will cry, and I am tired of crying. All I ever do is cry, and I hate it.

Gray appears in my doorway to tell me that breakfast is ready while I am brushing my hair. I mumble an okay, slightly annoyed at his bubbly, energetic personality. I can't blame him for being happy though, his best friend is coming home today, anyone should be happy for that. His brows furrow confusedly as he detects my upset mood, but he doesn't question me.

I finish getting ready and head downstairs to see Grayson sitting at the table with food. I sit down silently in front of him and begin to pick at my food. I don't have much of an appetite, so I don't eat a lot. Grayson attempts to make conversation with me but eventually gives up when he figures out I don't want to talk. He seems to become slightly annoyed by my sour attitude, but I can't find a care to give at the moment.

I sit on the couch while Gray cleans because I don't feel like being around him at the moment. He stops when his phone rings. I know it's Luke on the other end, which only seems to annoy me further. Grayson hurriedly answers the phone and I begin to hear them talk. Soon Grayson walks into the living room with a wide smile and the phone pressed to his ear.

"What to talk to Luke?" Grayson ask joyfully

A frown etches itself further into my lips, and anger burns in my heart. "No." I say, the word full of bitterness.

Grayson's eyes immediately go wide out of shock. I hear Luke faintly say something into the phone, but I can't understand it. Grayson stutters for a moment before finally finding words.

"Um, she..." Grayson pauses, "she said no."

I get up from the couch and stomp my way to my room. Slamming the door on my way in, I plop down into my chair. I can hear Grayson talking quickly with Luke downstairs. Tears spring to my eyes and I groan to myself.

"No! I'm tired of being sad! Being angry is better than being sad." I scream in my mind

I huff and will myself not to cry, trying to turn my sadness into anger. Grayson comes storming up the stairs quickly, causing my heart to race. Hard and quick knocks are sounded on my door before it swings open.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Grayson yells at me
I scowl at him and turn around. Grayson grips the back of my chair tightly and flings it around so I am facing him.

"Do you know how hurt he is right now? That probably ruined his whole day!" Grayson shouts in my face.

"I don't care." I mumble, even though I feel a pang if guilt in my stomach.
"You don't care!"Grayson bellows

I growl and shoot up from my seat, coming face-to-face with the bent down Grayson in front of me.

"Why do you care? You didn't care how I felt when you made Luke go!" I shout back, kind of surprising myself by talking back, much less shouting back.

"I hate you! It's your fault he left! He's not coming back and it's all your fault!" I scream, beating on Grayson's chest before grabbing my bag and running to the car so he doesn't see the tears welling up in my eyes.

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