Fifty One- Red

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Not having Colin hitting me every day is great. I can walk the halls almost freely. I'm still nervous with all the people in the hallways, so I continue to stick to myself. The bruises are actually healing now that I'm not getting new ones ever day. For the first time in a very long time my mid section isn't a swirl of dark purple and blue. Some of the older ones are gone, but the newer ones are turning a yellowish color around the edges. The cream Luke makes me put on them helps a lot.

It's been a week since Colin's been suspended. I try to avoid the other kids more than usual now. Some of the popular kids who were friends with Colin keep making rude remarks to me about getting Colin suspended. In a way it was a good thing for me, but it's made people hate me even more. The soccer team is furious with me that I got Colin removed from the team.

Then again, it's not like they liked me in the first place. I really don't know why no one likes me. I'm always nice to everyone, and I never bother anyone, so I don't understand why. Maybe I'm just not a likable person.

Luke and I agreed that we would watch movies all day. I had wanted to play outside with Nugget, but my stomach feels weird. The bottom of it has been cramping all day. I have been hiding my pain from Luke all day, and it hasn't been easy. I feel sluggish, like I have no energy to do anything. I just want to curl into a ball and sleep. I have a major craving for chocolate too.

After a few movies, Luke said he had to go do paperwork in his office. He left so now I'm laying on the couch under my favorite fuzzy blanket. I have one leg sticking out because I can't tell if I'm hot or cold, which is highly annoying. I get hungry so we decide to have an early dinner. When we finish we clean up and go back to what we were doing.

I pause my movie 'Up' when I get a weird feeling down there. My underwear feels warm and wet, almost like I peed myself. I look under my blanket to my pants, but nothing is there. I waddle to the bathroom like a penguin, but the feeling only gets more prominent.

I pull down my pants and sit on the toilet to use the bathroom. I look down to the toilet paper to see deep red smeared on it. My heart rate picks up and I look in the toilet. The water is red too. There is also a large deep red spot in my underwear. Tears stream down my face, and I let out a scream. I pull my pants back up and barge out of the bathroom.

"Daddy, Daddy! I'm dying!" I scream pathetically
I sprint down the stairs, taking them two at a time, only to collide with Luke at the bottom. I slump onto his body and he catches me from falling. I sob and cling to his shirt as he holds me close.

"Shh, calm down, calm down. I'm sure everything is going to be okay." He says soothingly, stroking my hair to calm me.
"Evangeline, what happened?" He ask me
"I-I," I stutter, unable to to make a sentence come out.
He lets go of my arms and cups my cheeks in his hands to make me look at him.
"Listen, breath. In and out, I need you to calm down and tell me what happened." He says calmly for firmly
I take a deep breath that's broken by a sob. "I felt weird a-and I thought I peed myself, b-but when I went to the bathroom i-it was red and there was blood." I choke out. His face turns a pale white and he looks clueless.
"Am I gonna die? I don't wanna die, Luke. Daddy, I don't want to die." I whimper, hugging him tightly. I bury my face in his chest as my tears wet his shirt.
I feel him chuckle underneath me and look up to see him grinning at me.

"Kitten, you aren't going to die." He says light heartedly
I sniffle and wipe my eyes with the back of my hands. "I-I'm not?" I say confusedly
"No, Kitten. I promise you aren't going to die." He assures me. He wipes at my damp cheeks with his thumbs to dry them. He easily picks me up and I cling to him like a toddler or a koala. A toddler koala.  I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my face in his shoulder. He pats my back lightly and rocks us slowly to calm me down. I finally subside to only sniffles after a few minutes of him doing this and whispering comforting words to me.

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