Sixty Two- Scrabble

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Grayson wakes me up again in the morning. I actually get up this time, because I know Luke will call in a little bit. I get ready as fast as I can, and race downstairs to the smell of sausage cooking.

"Good morning tiny burrito." Grayson says to me
I giggle at the silly nickname he made for me as I skip to him. "Good morning big burrito."
"Well someone sure is bubbly this morning." He teases
"That's because Daddy is going to call, and I get to see my new friend today." I say happily

"Hey Gray, I have a question." I say as I walk aimlessly around the kitchen
"Ask away." He says
"On a scale of a paper cut to a broken bone, how bad of an injury do you think I would have to get for Daddy to come home?" I ask
He stops cooking and glares at me "No." He says sternly "Don't you dare." He says still glaring at me
"Fine, I won't." I mumble

I just want Daddy home again.

I ready my book bag by the door and straighten things around the kitchen to waste time. I move on to the living room next. I fix the messy blankets and pillows first, then organize the movies. I come across the picture albums that are there on the shelves with them. I pick a random one and bring it to the table. I begin to flip through and laugh at some of the silly pictures of Luke and Gray. Some are from when they are kids but others are from when they are older. I assume the older people with them in some of the pictures is Grays parents. Luke had showed me pictures of Grandma and Grandpa. He said I would get to meet them on thanksgiving. I've said hi to them on the phone once. We didn't have time for much else, and I was too nervous all the other times to actually halfway meet them, well, phone conversation meet them.

As I get further to the back of the album, the older they get. I notice a girl beside Gray in some of them. She a beautiful girl who has blonde hair and a big smile. I flip to the next page to see her kissing Gray. They both look really happy. She has her arms wrapped around his neck, and there is a golden ring on her finger. They look to be at the beach. She has on a flowing pink dress and Gray has on a nice shirt.

"Who is this lady?" I ask him. He brings me my plate of food, consisting of cheesy eggs and sausage. He looks at the picture and hurt flashes across his face as he sits down next to me.
"Her name was Molly." He says with a sigh
"She's really pretty." I say
"Yes she was." He agrees.
"You guys really liked each other." I say giggling at the picture of them kissing
"We were engaged." He says
"Did you love her?" I ask
"I loved her with all my heart." He says looking down to his plate as he pushes around his food.
I sense sadness in his voice, even though he's trying not to show it. "What happened to her?" I ask carefully
"She died in a car crash." He says
I go quiet. I don't know what to say. I shouldn't have asked.

I lean over and wrap him in a hug. He hugs me back. I feel his pain. We both lost people we loved. We were both happy, then they got taken away. Neither of us had any clue that it was going to happen; it just did. Broken hearts are hearts that were once loved. No matter for how long, or from who, they gave love, and they received love.

They were loved by someone who got taken away from them.

"I'm sorry, it's hard loosing people you loved." I say sadly
"It's hard loosing anyone, it's just harder when you loved them." He says

We stay silent for a moment, letting the memories of the people we lost flow through our mind. I don't remember much about my parents, so I think about what I think they would have been like.

My mom would have been nice and sweet, kind of like Sophie. My dad would have been caring and hardworking like Luke. They would have tucked me in at night, and read me stories, and we would have played together, and gone on picnics. We would tell jokes and do silly things together. They would help me with homework if I needed it. We would eat ice cream after dinner. We would be happy and love each other. We would be a family again.

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