Fifty Three- Thunder

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I roll over and pull the blankets up my cold body. Sun shines against my closed eyes making it hard to sleep. I tug the comforter over my face to block it out. After a few minutes, I give up on sleep and allow my eyes to flutter open. I rub the tiredness out of my eyes and take in my surroundings. I roll my head over to see Sugar peacefully sleeping beside me. I scratch her head softly and she wakes up to lick my hand. My gaze drifts from her to the white comforter thats covering me.

'Wait, my comforter isn't white, it's yellow.' I say to myself
This causes me to sit up quickly in the bed. The walls are a cream color with a few decorative paintings. A wooden dresser matches the queen size bed I'm in with a bedside table to match. Sun streams in through the cracks in the blinds in the windows. I'm still in my black leggings and pink t-shirt on from yesterday.

"Where in the heck am I?" I say aloud to myself

I look to the table and see my phone plugged into a charger. I flip it over and the screen lights up to reveal a text. I check to see it's from Luke.

"Good morning, there are extra toiletries in the bathroom for you to use. Towels are under the sink if you want to shower, and I put a change of clothes on the dresser just in case. Sorry, they probably won't fit well because their mine. Come downstairs when you're ready."

I smile at the text. He's so nice. Wait, this means I'm still at their house. Did he put me to bed? When did I fall asleep? Oh gosh, did I snore? I really hope I didn't snore.

I trudge off the the comfortable bed and saunter over to the bathroom. I check in the draws to find a new toothbrush and toothpaste, song with deodorant and a hairbrush. All of them look brand new. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun before brushing my teeth and hopping in the shower. I smile to myself when I find strawberry body wash like what I bought yesterday.

'Did he buy this stuff for me?' I think to myself

I wash quickly and step out with the towel wrapped around me. I slip my undergarments back on and put on the gray shirt and sweatpants on the dresser. I have to tie the pants as tight as they will go to keep them from falling off. The shirt goes down to my mid calf and hangs off me loosely like the other one did.

I walk downstairs to be greeted with the smell of food cooking. I peek around the corner to see Luke and Evangeline standing at the stove together. She still has on her cute purple pajamas from last night, but she has redone the braid. Music plays softly and she dances along to it. Luke chuckles at her silliness and looks back to the stove.

"This one is ready to be flipped." Luke says and points to something in a pan. Evangeline grabs a spatula and tries to slide t under what I'm guessing is a pancake. Luke helps her slide it under it and readjust his grip.
"One, two, three, flip." He says and they flip the pancake.
"Do you think she'll like it?" Evangeline ask with hope in her voice
"I'm sure she will." He assures her

I watch as they finish making the pancakes and stack them on a plate. I look to the island to see plates of bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, and fruit all laid out on the countertop. I recognize the pancakes as chocolate chip pancakes, my favorite. My mouth waters at all the food. Luke turns around to set the plate of freshly cooked pancakes on the island and sees me. I fight the urge to cry when I realize they made me breakfast too, and that they actually care if I like it. It may not seem like much to some people, but it's everything to me. It's been a very long time since someone has done anything this nice for me.

"Good morning." He says with a smile
Evangeline turns around and lets out a little squeak of excitement. "We made you breakfast!" She squeals as I walk fully into the kitchen. She runs to give me a hug and I giggle at how delightful she is. After we hug she drags me to the island and puts me in a chair. She hops up into the one beside me and slides her plate closer. Luke sets down two glasses of orange juice for us and pours a cup of coffee for himself.

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